Hello Joel R (and Randy Calvert and Jim M.)
Thank you for your suggestions. What you say is quite sane. I believe you've had to make an effort to adapt. It should be the other way around.
Regarding the forums, the list is extensive, so it would have been ideal to find the forum by its name. Let's hope that in future versions the search function will include the column containing the forum titles.
The search function is the most concerning issue, as there are people who will try to find the correct forum through this means, and the search function is not yielding the expected results (this is just one of several issues I've found). One solution would be to edit the large number of forums to include a topic that contains the forum name or something similar, akin to your suggestion (1).
For the time being, I will trust that the segment the community is focused on will know how to find the correct forum in the right place. Moreover, I believe they will feel satisfied when they find it and will be more inclined to post.
Thank you once again.