paul thank you for all that info, which I will need to read though a couple more times, that was some work you put in there and I greatly appreciate it.
morrigan, sort of - I am asking for a return to the previous move commands, which I had and used, in the last version. It was quite literally 'dead easy'
sorry Joel, just seen your post also. Paul explained it, moving an indavertently posted post to another different destination. NOT the topic. As I mentioned before my members are not au fait with technology in some cases, software to most and they easily get roped into the wrong thread, I have done it myself. Because of these and other reasons I feel it is important to have definitive topics in definitive sub forms. This make it easy for the members to find topics of their interest.
One mentioned to me that he had asked a question addressed to me about the upgrade, but he had placed it 'somewhere' and then thought I had removed it, nor he does know where it went, and neither do I. Perhaps one day I/we will stumble upon it. 🔎