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Posts posted by bizman

  1. Hello, I was wondering if there was a new membership referral system built into the existing board software. I'm looking for a feature that will allow new registrations that need to be validated by an old account that's already registered with the system. My objective is to restrict registration outside of the existing membership circle of friends. I also want to trace who referred who. Can you suggest ideas? Thank you. 

  2. Hello, we recently upgraded our forum from V3 to V4.5. The upgrade was flawless, lasted for around 3 days. We thought we could finally turn the board online but then the software started rebuilding everything! Believe me when I say SLOW. The rebuilding process is progressing at 5% in a 24 hour period! That's 20 days offline! The good thing we copied everything first to another VM and made a subdomain classic.website.com. Our members are there now... the problem will happen when we turn on the main URL, we will have missing registrations and content for a month! hahaha

    My question. How do we possibly speed this up? The server loads on the machines are 0.1 for the DB Server and 0.2 on the web server.

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