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  1. No reason - just will ask!
  2. Will be latest or maybe 4.7.20 or 4.8 ? regards Bosss
  3. Thanks but locked language can not delete see please
  4. Made - can i uninstall another languages? see please
  5. Use IPS 4.7.19 PHP 8.1.30 Regards Bosss
  6. Thanks - now works fine!
  7. Please i tested and use unaltared language pack - same problem - clean cache - same problem Can you show what i must do or You can leave like should work - please regards Boss
  8. Thanks Just made this in language pack
  9. Only difference between my main site and test site is that test site was install from 4.7.19 and main site from 4.7.18 - 4.7.19 rehards Bosss
  10. Made same apps and plugins in my test site - lake are on my main site and works usergroup switch work fine! Where is problem? Deleted my Themes on main site = same problem Username format same html code on both sites regards Bosss 20241124_231617.mp4
  11. That was att i fixed that i updated my details in my client area 😀 I do not fixade my issue 😒
  12. Have we have 2 test - install (test sities) - one for IPS 4.7.19 (main site and one test site) and one test site for IPS 5 Beta 5 - with one Licens key? regards Bosss
  13. Sorry - I use PHP 8.1.30 Use html - code and on my test site - works fine! 20241123_074334.mp4
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