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Posts posted by infotech

  1. This is my first post: I have been with IPS since version 1 - since 2003.

    I tried to access my "Support" via my Client page, but it's missing . . . . because I have not "renewed" . . . here's why:



    I am the Director of LUPus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS), a non-profit for people with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We provide free information & free psychological support. We do not charge any money. We rely on donations & the shortfall, comes from me.

    I have used IPB since version 1. When version 3 was released, I paid $99 for the Lifetime License. That was a huge sum of money. When version 4 arrived, we were told that the Lifetime Membership did not cover version 4. I wasted my money; you cheated me & others. There were a number of very angry people who expressed their outrage on the forums. I said nothing, but understood their anger. You didn't care. 
    I decided to self-host for a few years until one of my upgrades failed. You didn't offer any help, so I reluctantly decided to pay $20 pa for hosting. This is peenuts to you & commercial websites but a lot of money for non-profits like me. You didn't care.
    The final insult came recently with an email telling me how happy I will be for your future services & to pay 2.5 times my monthly payment or all of $5 less, if I pay annually! 
    I looked at self-hosting. You expect me to pay $6-700 & then $99 pa, when I have already paid you hundreds of dollars since 2003!
    Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!
    What IPB has done may be legal, but it is not ethical. Almost 20 years of work down the drain & IPB couldn't care less. 
    I will express appreciation to Rhett & Mark at Support. They have been a delight. 
    The very least IPS can do is to allow me to have a copy of my website that I have paid for since 2003. It has thousands of important articles on autoimmunity, Covid-19 & systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), lupus variant conditions and the antiphospholipid antibody (Hughes) syndrome.
    I shall not hold my breath for a response.
    Rosalind M Share MA(Ed),MA(Psych),AdDip(Psych)
    LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS)

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