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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by tinycg

  1. I don't know about you, but I feel as if I've been here and using IPS software much longer than just a couple days. I logged into the Admin CP on one of my forums this morning and it felt cartoonish to me, if that makes any sense.

    I've seen some people posting on some of the vB-specific sites about how they've tried IPB and didn't care for it. I am certainly not in that category. Within a few minutes, I was already seeing more and more of vB's shortcomings. With one tiny exception (that I just need to sort how to re-code), I think the IPB Admin CP is much nicer and more intuitive.

    I'm right alongside you in saying the IPS experience has been top shelf. Thanks to everyone that has made it so.

    I understand and agree with everything you're saying, the cartoonish perspective of vB's ACP, I had the same thought the other day, and was really disappointed a few weeks back when I found out they weren't re-doing that for the 4.0 release, thats something that even without a complete overhaul, a smart design refresh as a temporary solution would have at least shown they understand its outdated.

    Out of curiosity whats the one thing you're looking for? I for one am looking into a way to show how many unread posts there are for the user, similar to the vB hack that would show that with a link to a search of said new content. I like the IPB new content link, but would like to figure out if I can update that link with some dynamic text for that.

  2. BSchwarz and I have been teasing back and forth on Twitter these last few days about purchasing licenses and converting from vB. (Don't tell him, but I think he's become addicted to IPB. ;))

    But it really isn't a joke, after all. Whilst he's buying licenses at the rate of two a day, I just jumped in the deep end and purchased four licenses up front. I figured if I was in for a penny, I was in for a pound. (OK, OK, so I'm addicted to IPB as well. :blush:)

    I was with vB just shy of five years, so I don't have the history with vB that BSchwarz does. But five years is a long time, so you can imagine how hard it was to make the decision to leave. I posted a random tweet about looking seriously into switching over to IPB and within a few minutes, both Matt and Charles were there answering questions for me. I hope they both know what a positive impact that made on me.

    BSchwarz is braver than I, so I opted to pay for conversions on my sites. Site #1 is set up for tomorrow! (w00t) But I did set up a test site so I could start learning. Wow, am I ever impressed with the software. It has a very polished and professional feel to it vB has never had. The scripts all integrate so well with one another and IP.Content is incredible. The blessing is the learning curve is much more gentle than I had anticipated. I admit I was reluctant to give up vBSEO, but when I realized that was the only reason I was staying with vB, my decision was already made for me.

    Between the help Matt and Charles provided, the 'feel' of the software and this friendly community, I have to agree with BSchwarz. This is the best move I ever made. You can certainly list my name in the Satisfied Customers column.

    I'll echo that, as a former vB owner going back about the same time as Mike, it felt a little like a bad breakup at first, then I played with the 24hr demo and was instantly taken aback by how IPB gets the details right, and understands a user and an admin. Nothing's perfect, but IPBs attention to detail, communication with the customers and belief in providing a quality product at a more than reasonable price, its a real pleasure to see that kind of commitment.

    Something that I think a lot of other companies could learn from, by no means has IPS' road been without its bumps but they've come out of it with a truly stellar attitude and direction that will only serve to benefit the company, as well as its customers.
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