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    Monda reacted to Will Munny in What needs to be done for 3.0.1   
    I also think it vital to get links in RSS feeds FURLed... I figure if I keep mentioning this thread, someone will write me a patch...
  2. Like
    Monda reacted to Will Munny in Absolutely HORRIBLE support response times!   
    If you find the terms of your license unacceptable (2 business days support turnaround), why did you purchase it?...

  3. Like
    Monda reacted to Will Munny in Introducing Spam Monitoring Service   
    It may be unacceptable (and it is) but there's nothing we can do about it. IPS are keeping their promise to legacy customers... and just making them feel second class to newer customers by withholding a new 'service' from us if we don't play along and give up our licenses.

    What a total disgrace... and what a shabby way to treat me. I've been a loyal customer and saw a future in IPB so I forked out for the Perpetual. I also continue paying support fees and participate actively in Beta testing... yet I'm still excluded. Explain why you won't make it available for a fee equivalent to the difference in cost (over and above my annual support fee)?
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    Monda reacted to Will Munny in Introducing Spam Monitoring Service   
    So why not offer the 'service' to your legacy customers for a fee?...

    ... It's because you want me to give up my Perpetual license.
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    Monda reacted to Will Munny in Introducing Spam Monitoring Service   
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    Monda reacted to Will Munny in Introducing Spam Monitoring Service   
    That argument is on pretty shaky ground. You might, in that case, start charging extra for FURLs, AJAX skins, or any other progression in the software... as far as I'm concerned, my license entitles me to use IPB and it's features in all future versions, forever... You're moving the goal posts in order to sheppard legacy customers into your newer pricing bracket...

    ... and yes, I do pay my annual support fee already.
  7. Like
    Monda reacted to Will Munny in 3.0.4 cascade validation errors   
    Is it template level or core level patch?... I ask because I'm trying to find it too :D
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    Monda reacted to Will Munny in 3.0.4 cascade validation errors   
    So I can just change...

    $url = preg_replace( "/s=([a-zA-Z0-9]{32})(&|&)/", '', $url ) . '&s=' . $matches[1]; to...

    $url = preg_replace( "/s=([a-zA-Z0-9]{32})(&|&)/", '', $url ) . '&s=' . $matches[1];

    I just tested and now everything validates perfectly. Is this safe? Is it really as elementary as this?!!
  9. Like
    Monda reacted to Will Munny in 3.0.4 cascade validation errors   
    Splendid, thanks... what are the downsides of removing session URL's altogether?
  10. Like
    Monda reacted to Will Munny in My feedback on IPB's SEO measures   
    Oh, I forgot to mention... which developer had the idea to include the link rel="canonical" on every page header section?... kudos to you, that cleans up a swathe of duplicate content issues. Excellent!
  11. Like
    Monda reacted to Will Munny in My feedback on IPB's SEO measures   
    As I'm totally reliant on organic search engine traffic, I've been keen to get my hands on the new IPB 3 and have been closely watching the development of it over the last year or so... and after some hiccups, IPS have put together a functional set of SEO measures. I initially had a few reservations when I got my hands on the Release Candidate and went live with it on my live board, such as the huge negative indents in the CSS... however, after observing the effects on my installation and my search ranking over the last couple of months, I only have positive things to say.

    I tweaked my furlTemplate.php a little to change the name of/remove a couple of directories. I also removed a superfluous repetition of the board name in the h1 tag. I also had to add a few more instances in the robots.txt file to cover some dupe content issues. I'm still having to add code to generate a 404 header for error pages/deleted topics... but other than that, IPB's out of the box SEO is really quite good... and the skins are far easier to work with than they were in previous versions, and now seem to have pretty good semantic mark up.
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