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  1. That's principally it Jim and I get where you're coming from with that but unfortunately we're wedded to an ad-serving platform across different sites within the business that I have to integrate.
  2. Cheers, it's doing my fruit in!
  3. Thanks; that bit seems to be my stumbling block. Let's say I have two usergroups 1 and 2, and two themes - Basic and Gold and that I only want Usergroup 1 to get the Basic theme and Usergroup 2 the Gold theme - which theme do I make the default? Obviously I can only have one default.
  4. Thanks Nathan, I've tried doing that but there needs to be a Default theme (which I can't seem to remove our Gold and Premium user groups from getting by default). I'm sure there's a logic to solving it somehow.
  5. Sorry all, I may be missing the obvious here! How can I make a specific Theme the default for a specific user Group rather than it being selectable from the Themes dropdown?
  6. Also if you have any links to documentation regarding the whole upgrade process I would be grateful for those
  7. Thanks Nathan much appreciated, I may have some follow up questions later on if that's ok, but firstly I need to know what happens when the 'Upgrade Now' button is pressed? Does it immediately start an automated update process or will I be taken to a list of instructions/manual setps to follow? Cheers
  8. HI, I am looking to apply the latest patch: https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/ I haven't updated this before, so just wanted to ask if there is anything I need to lok out for or do manually before pushing the 'Upgrade Now' button. Thanks in advance
  9. Hi, I am looking to apply the latest update: https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/ Is there anything I need to look out for or do manually before applying this, I haven't updated this before so want to check before pushing the 'Upgrade now' button. Cheers
  10. Not sure what that means or what I do with it.
  11. When I was presented with a list it didn't bring up a match so I had to select 'no match found' or whatever it said to move on with the others it did find. How do I get back to that to try and match it again?
  12. After the update to 4.5 the Classifieds app (1.3.5) seemed to cause slow running so I've tried to install the new version via Marketplace but get the error "An application is already installed that uses the same Application Key, this application cannot be installed unless the other is removed" What is the correct process from this point forward please? Would removal cause any loss of existing adverts?
  13. Thanks Stoo; I hadn't fully appreciated the relevance of that setting. Much appreciated.
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