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Andy (FTF)

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Posts posted by Andy (FTF)

  1. Thanks guys. It is working as it should now :) Next step is to look at the Cloudfront and get that up and running. 

    I found a guide but when creating a distribution I am wondering how to manage the fact my forum is not located in the home directory of my server. i.e. Should I state /forum when setting up the distribution or is this irrelevant.

    I ask because when I created /forum under the distribution, and then pasted the created AWS Domain into IPB, the forum lost all images. 


  2. I have been able to get the S3 component working in terms of images are now being transferred across to it. Thank you for your input guys.

    Couple of queries though:

    1: Images are now not appearing in the threads / topics.

    2: Struggling to upload images over 1mb when upload size is set at 7mb. Is this to do with PHP on my server as I think host changed something last week or do I need to do anything on the S3 end?

  3. On 04/12/2017 at 12:57 PM, Lord Nowe said:

    I can try to get a video up later, but here's the general steps:

    1. On the user menu drop down, select "My Security Credentials".

    2. I selected "continue to security credentials".

    3. Select Policies. Create new policy and name it what you like. Under the permissions, select ALL of the s3 permissions (s3 Full Access).

    4. Go to groups, create a new one, attach the policy you created to a group.

    5. Create a new user, place user into the group you created.

    6. Once that user is created, select it and then select Security Credentials. Generate an access key.

    Done iirc.

    Thank you. A video would also be very welcome. :)

  4. On 2017-5-7 at 1:04 PM, Adriano Faria said:

    Any log error? Is your integration correct? I would expect an error like that to be reported once the app was released and not 8 months later.

    Perhaps is my paypal setup as noticed the same error is happening when someone buys something from nexus. Is there any detailed step by step guide on how to get paypal working correctly.

  5. Running this for the first time. Enabled the commerce integration. When I go to complete a test transaction via paypal, it comes up with Internal Server Error. I get to the point of confirming the purchase in paypal. It then fails.

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