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Posts posted by nabludatel

  1. before tell "it can't be faster" show me at least one board running on ipb 3 which is as fast as 2.6 versions. For me it stills a little bit slow, and everybody who was on ipb 1, 2 or other forums (vbulletin, phpbb...) will be agree with me.

  2. Nobody speak about digg/pligg functionality but without them forums will die because pligg cms will take over forums (google answers use the same functionality):

    I need some features like in pligg CMS (and digg):

    1). to be able rate all posts, all messages and sort them immediately by rating -> it will be very usefull for news at the start page: messages with the bad rating must not appear at all, hiding posts is not a good tool at all.
    For example in this topic we can not see most requered features for IPB, if we had rating system like in digg, The message/post with most requered features would appear at the beginning and we would not see posts without importance
    2). see comments in blogs in the other 'new' way like here:
    because sometimes I what to reply on the previous comment and not on blog but I can't do that...

    be able to see reputation and all other feature (country, age, ...) in the member list and sort member by reputation or other chosen feature

    more mouseovers
    be able to change the font like in phpbb

    If you are agree with me please vote this post up

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