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Ondra OC

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Posts posted by Ondra OC

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    I'm not sure what you mean. If you have customized your admin directory, only your community would have that customization. 

    I mean that it was cached I think... because i haven´t been able to upgrade it on carmanualsf.com/admin/upgrade in my browser because it did Error 500


    when I run carmanualsf.com/admin/upgrade on anonymous browser I could start regular upgrade...


    It is good advice for you to help other by saying them this...

  2. 4 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Your language pack is missing quite a few language strings and looks like it's causing issues. I would switch an unmodified language pack. You also have an upgrade pending for our software. Was this attempted?

    Well, in language section I have regular USA english... how should i switch it to unmodified pack?


    "You also have an upgrade pending for our software. Was this attempted? " - I just want to upgrade forum to the newest version... that is my problem... or I dont understand what are you asking for... sorry

  3. Hello,


    my site: https://carmanualsf.com/ just Errored after uploading new invision community files to FTP.


    I have tried to do this:

    I manually uploaded all files via FTP

    Switched to PHP 8.1

    Then ran /admin/upgrade/

    This went without any issues

    After upgrade in ACP I cleared all caches

    On board index I got some fatal errors, but after removing some Page's templates which I created long time ago and refreshing board index page, errors vanished.


    But I was not able to get to /admin/upgrade/ because of Error





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