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Posts posted by changeme123

  1. I just re-read the Skinning competition thread, It says that the winning skin will sit along side the IPB3 download in the client area. I could have sworn I read at one point it was going to be shipped with IPB3 as a secondary skin? :blink:

    I did toO!

  2. I know it'd still be a performance hit, hence why I said it would be in my last reply :P

    I'm just too lazy to switch tabs to see if there's new content or I'll forget to switch tabs entirely, sue me :P

    /me sues Brandon

  3. @FrostedPopFart

    Nuff said, questions are openly free Mr PopTart, so on that note, I love you man :P

    Now you do know that Mr FrostedPopTart is going to hold that against you right? hahahahahahahahahahahahhahhshahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhaa
  4. IPB3 Beta 4 is pretty stable.

    Edit works in Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009021910 Firefox/3.0.7 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

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