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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by tgh95

  1. Hello, I am like a "co-owner" of the site. I have emailed the owner to get the login credentials and will definately open a ticket once I get them. I would think that I would get some mimimal assistance regarding this issue while I wait. As we speak, tens of thousands of my members are unable to login because I have disabled the board.
  2. Thank you for the replies. This is a "Feedback Forum" is it not? I am giving you guys feedback. And it is not just me, as I have noticed a severe drop in performance on my other websites too, and they are all hosted in different physical servers and locations. Why is this so? I am simply giving my feedback about IPB, and would like some help in return. Is that too much to ask for?
  3. Hello! My forums is extremely slow after the upgrade to IPB 3.0.2! Page load speeds have increased from 0.3 seconds to 5 to 10 seconds each. It is becomin unbearable! I am looking at the task manager for my server right now, the site is using 90% of the CPU. I have tried enabling Performance Mode. The CPU usage went down to about 88%. What is going on? Why is my site so slow? I have also noticed that these company forums have been affected, but nearly by as much. Currently, I am greatly disappointed with the performance of the board: I have been forced to turn the board offline in order to prevent the CPU to be damaged, and I am in the process of saving some of settings and shutting down the server for a few hours. This is a major issue!
  4. tgh95

    Permissions bug?

    All the permissions are in-tact. I've gone through to Member Groups > Manage User Permissions and all the permissions are set correctly. Any other places to check?
  5. tgh95

    Permissions bug?

    Well...It would be hours before he can submit a ticket. Anyone know why? The exact error is: [#103137] You do not have permission to view this topic.
  6. tgh95

    Permissions bug?

    I cannot submit a ticket because I do not have IPS Credentials, my Root Admin does...but he's offline atm and this is a very urgent issue.
  7. Hey guys, I am a assistant root admin at a forum. We have a BIG problem. Most, if not all, forums are unreadable to members. We've set the permissions for the category, the forum, and everything at least 15 times now, and it doesn't have any effect. Clearly we're doing something wrong, or.., what's going on?! Staff members can access the forums, but regular members cannot view any topics. In fact, on one of them, it just shows the header and footer -- nothing in between. What's going on?!
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