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Posts posted by HaZuuKaa

  1. I'm guessing RC3 just to play it safe. It's always a good thing to do things atleast three times.

    I'm also guessing Wednesday June 10th is the RC2 release.

    Wednesday June 10th is the RC2 release - Hope you said TRUE :D

  2. We have an internal date we are targetting for RC2, but we're not going to announce it at this time. Suffice it to say, that date is not "1-2 months" away. But we'll see how things go in the tracker before making a final decision.

    Why do these topics always come up right after a release? :rolleyes:

    "Why do these topics always come up right after a release? :rolleyes:"

    Someone can use brain more than 15% ;)
  3. Will be IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 2 released Friday 29 May 2009 ?
    Coz from IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 1 is 2 weeks that IPS released IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 1 ... Will you release Ip.Download, Ip.Gallery and ...


  4. What about IP.Blog/Gallery/Downloads?

    The release candidates for the applications will be available just a few days after IP.Board's release candidate. We are staggering the releases so bug reports can be confirmed that they are only regarding IP.Board itself. On the final release day, all applications will be released right along with IP.Board. Please note that the updates to the applications did not contain any major changes at this time but instead were updated to work with IP.Board 3.0.0's code. One of the very first updates made after IP.Board 3.0.0's final release will be major upgrades to the applications.

    - from blog ...

    please release it this week :)
    hope it will be too non-encoded like ip.board 3 RC1:)

  5. Expect the first release candidate of IP.Board 3.0.0 in the next two weeks or so. Thank you again!

    Posted by Charles Icon, 26 April 2009 - 05:05 PM - ON BLOG

    so from 26 to 30 was 4 days now is 6th may so 4+6=10 so +/- 4 days will be released RC1 i think :D //long deducation
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