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Posts posted by tragopan

  1. 11 minutes ago, ThunderBlue said:

    When you press on the database problem, does it ask you to take some kind of action?

    As mentioned above, the list of hundreds of requests for the upgrade reappears. However the upgrade was successful so the changes were made.


    11 minutes ago, ThunderBlue said:

    You might have some tables to convert to innodb

    All tables are already in innodb 😞

    This problem is not blocking but it's still annoying. Thanks for trying to help me ^^

  2. 2 hours ago, ThunderBlue said:

    OK. You can download the files via client area and send to your site via ftp. You have to replace all the files there and update via your-site/admin/upgrade address

    Thanks, it worked!
    During the upgrade, it froze again on the database, more precisely on the search_index table.
    I made the requested queries manually, as recommended, then I restarted the upgrade, but it started again as before, going back to the beginning of the step... So I tried the automatic database correction, but strangely enough, it worked!

    However, there have been no changes to the default theme since version 4.7.4?


    Edit : And I have one last problem, related to this one: despite the successful upgrade, it left me the error message in the admin panel about the database having a problem, with the display of the queries to do to fix the problem, as before the upgrade...

  3. Hello,

    Unable to update the forum: the automatic database update works in a vacuum before putting me back in step 1.
    I've updated the database manually, but it didn't change anything, I'm still stuck in step 1, with the same process...
    This does not generate an error log or a system log

    I have PHP 8.0.28, I cleared the system cache, I have disabled the hooks and set the default theme.

    Do you have any idea what I could do?

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