IPB 3.1.0 features
I think you should be able to convert a topic into a private conversation. So if one person posts a topic that is personal you can easily convert into a private conversation Because it might be better to talk there
Suggestion: Option to Change Default Post View Threshold
This would be a good idea for large boards, that get alot of useless posts
IPB about to go big time
The Administration panel in vB makes me want to puke, reminds me of a really old site. Compare the IP.Board's adminstration panel in 2.3 and vbulletin 3.8, and ipb is a million times better
The New ACP Template Editor
I agree the editor does look like a mess, becuase it breaks where it doesnt need to, its kinda a nuisance
IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 2
right now In the bug tracker there are 20 bugs excluding the ongoing research ones
Suggestion For 3.0
Oh, I knew that, i was thinking, you just put in a link and it does it automatically :(
Suggestion For 3.0
Test Howd you do that Michael?
Big project : Facebook chat bar
This doesnt just have to be a chat bar thing. It could be used as a taskbar thing
Big project : Facebook chat bar
Good idea for support issues.
My opinion on 3.0
We were told a December release date, but i think that was obviously too little time, since its a complete rewrite. I dont think the wait is really worth that much, but ipb3 is really coming out to be going well.
Post Reply button active on closed topics
agreed they should remove the multi quote and reply buttons, if you are a mod or admin.
Access XML skin
lol, surprised i didnt notice that. I was trying to use the dropdown style thing
Access XML skin
How would i do this? is there a special url or setting i got to go to?
The end is nigh!
They have said they were dropping PHP5 support many times. They said that one of the reasons they were switching to PHP5 was because no more support will be given to PHP4. In the Setup Requirements
Approximate date of 3.0 Final Release?
they said 2 weeks for the RC1, not for Gold :(
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