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Posts posted by saggsab

  1. It was my understanding that it is the newer version, but not 100% sure. This shows under the site download on IPB

    Current stable release: 4.7.8

    As for the host - not really getting a lot of help, but it does look like it is PHP 7.4 and is their latest PHP.

     Any suggestions for more up-to date hosts, other than paying an arm & leg for IPB hosting?

    It's been a long time since I've been on the site so much has changed.

  2. I used to have an IPB forum on GoDaddy, just signed up with SiteGround.

    I have uploaded the files into my new site but got the following message when trying to access /admin/install

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '../../init.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php74/pear') in /home/customer/www/acahc.us/public_html/admin/install/index.php on line 13

    tried adding (include_path='.:/usr/local/php74/pear') to the line but get the same message, please help!

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