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  1. No worries Marc, I just post the same in the Bugs forum?
  2. Strange! I just tried it again and while I saw the submit button as it should be this time, this was left on the submit button after posting.... I haven't hard edited the theme, only changed the colours.
  3. Upgraded to the latest Beta today and noticed what might be a slight error on the theme when posting. If you select Emoji and then click on icons but don't select anything, and then post a link, I then see this on the submit button....
  4. Thanks @Matt That'd be great! I'll just update the license key on the live site when it's generated.
  5. Apparently, it does, so it might be there is a stray install still showing IPS end on that URL, even though that sub-directory probably hasn't been used since 2 or 3.
  6. I did, but get this message even though just one (main) version of 4 running at root.
  7. Installing a fresh beta install on a subdirectory to test and when adding the license number, it says it's already in use. While obviously, this is correct for the main root forum, there is the test URL listed in client area which I named to match the directory. Any help from staff or anyone who installed a fresh test on their server would be appreciated.
  8. Not sure if it is something appearing in V5, but having embeds from other platforms like the current Youtube auto embeds would be great! With TikTok and Insta reels hugely taken off the last few years, to have these embedded directly from the link would be a big step forward and increase engagement on posts! It's very hit or miss using these currently on 4 and I appreciate it is probably down to the platform themselves rather than a problem embedding into the board!
  9. Thanks a lot Marc, I seemed to have some folders missing in CMS and uploaded as instructed, all good now! Many thanks!
  10. It used to be listed as not currently installed and now went to install it and it's missing. It isn't active and only have the unused Blogs and downloads listed. Any ideas? Thanks.
  11. LemonGrenade replied to mtlurb's post in a topic in Feedback
    I have been using @All Astronauts 'Ads Everywhere' and you can specify the ad to show after an interval (past hour, etc) within the theme. That said, I know Adsense doesn't like that page as had problems with them listing it as no content!
  12. Thanks @Marc Stridgen I've removed some 3rd party apps already and kept the ones that are only really needed!
  13. Indeed, but it wasn't him.
  14. Yep understood, but it was new content, plus the post itself was a very 'hacked' type message.