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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by recoveringfatty

  1. I am needing a tutorial for the 3.0 IPB. Where can I find one? I stumbled my way through 2.6 well enough to know the basics of what HAD to be done. Now I am totally lost!

    One thing I need to know is how to add a custom profile field under the contact section. I tried to add Facebook under those tabs and it showed up for me (an admin) but not in the profile options for members. I went back in and changed it so that members could edit it, and now it shows up. However, when I went in and put my Facebook link in there, I had to highlight it, copy, then paste into my browser. It wouldn't work as a link.

    Another thing, I have no idea what the FAcebook Connect actually does except so far: helps a person log in to the forum using FB sign ons. Also, updates a person's status, avatar and photo on profile. Howevr, what else does it do?? I was hoping it would show up on information just below the members' avatar inside the forums where they have posted... so that other members could click on it and be able to add them to their facebook?? Members ask, "Whose on FB?" and so they are interested in adding one another. Is there something I am missing?

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