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Posts posted by MageUK

  1. Meh - I think experience differs greatly for people. With a search I'm sure you can find people who thought it was horrible on 3.0.2 and 3.0.3 fixed that for them, it's the same with every version upgrade. Personally, my main board is still on 3.0.3 and it's extremely fast, In fact I would be extremely impressed if 3.0.4 sped it up at all - I would be happy for it to remain the same. As I said mixed views - 3.0.3 is perfect for me, clearly wasn't for you (and I have a few hooks installed too!).

  2. It's easy to use ACP Restrictions for this though.

    That allows the group leader to edit any groups for that member though. You can stop them adding to the admin group or editing admins but they could change ANY groups of any other member, not just the group they're supposed to be in charge of.

    I don't see any use for it in IP.Board, other than for Administrators.

    That's presumably because you haven't used it in phpBB. It's not in any other software than phpBB as far as I know, but when you have been using it for years and then it's removed, you see just how useful it was. When you have a website hierarchy, with inidividual areas of staff who have their own leaders for these areas, it's extremely useful for them to be able to edit the member groups that they are the leaders of.
  3. Alright so phpBB has this feature where once an admin makes a group, they can give it one or more group leaders. Once the group has a leader, these leaders can add/remove members from the member group, which is very useful when you have groups of staff with their own individual leaders as it means they don't need Admin CP access. Is there anything I'm missing like this for IPB?

    I know it can be done by giving the leader restricted ACP access but that lets them edit any users and put them in any group (except Admins which can be restricted).


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