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Aller Internett

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Posts posted by Aller Internett

  1. The Concept:

    IPB threads as comment system for external websites.

    Website's side: IPB topics could be automatically created and plugged below the Blog/CMS' articles; then on the forum's side, the first message of the thread could be the article's text.

    The idea is similar to some popular comment systems such as: IntenseDebate, Disqus, JS-Kit, Facebook Comments Box, etc.

    Those systems then enhanced their features with "Comment Threading" coming together as a forum, or at the least the forum's concept.

    So why don't converge the forum's purpose to comment system for websites?

    What do you guys think about it? :)

    Yes. We use it as our article comment system for now. we spent a year developing it, but we're scratching it to use Disqus instead, since ipb doesnt do the job aswell as we wanted it to do.
  2. I agree to this. Is it possible to turn minify off? For safety reasons we don't allow apache to write/create files on our servers, and because of that we've to seperate all writable folders to another server (with symlinks). Minify do not handle that very well :(

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