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Posts posted by OrionHeart

  1. no this is not a post for points sys LMAO. on a few posts I have seen I totaly aggree a better leveling sys for modarators. But the more I work with acp the more I am seing that the acp needs a more fine tune as to admin privies. for example I want jo to be able to reset a pass word but not be able to deleat an account seems the admin level is all er none. just would like better choices.also on a few other posts I have seen a better bbc I have a movies review forum and would like to allow blahlinkname to post trailers and only allow it in say that forum only WITH OUT having to have a blog sys, thats what profiles er for in my opinion, and I already have gallery (shrugs) but will prolly get the bloging sys later :blush:

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