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(e) Eric

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by (e) Eric

  1. I'm nearing the release of an app that will show some extra member variables in topics/messages/etc and I'm beginning to look at what will need to go into showing this data in the userinfopane. I noticed that all the data is coming from that 'members' join in topics.php, so I suppose I would need to edit that to include the new fields (since it would be impossible to use an action overloader to do it, unless I wanted to overwrite the entire thing), so I figured I'd ask... any chance that in a future version that join can simply use a wildard(*) instead of specific fields? I'm sure this won't be the last app to need to access custom fields in this deparment, and what with all the focus on hooks now and minimizing file edits, I figured this is a logical step. Next step is to a solution to the missing link between template hook data and the template data it's hooking into... but I'll leave that for the already started threads about that issue. :)
  2. looking forward to any progress in this department. :)
  3. You read my post right? The hooks will do that same thing plus more and doesn't require any edits. Also, that link was posted on the previous page. But yeah, glad you got a solution. :)
  4. There are 2 links to hooks provided in this thread, both of which require zero file edits and do exactly what you ask for (plus extra features), so I don't think it's the end of the world if you don't successfully campaign to get IPS to add it.
  5. I ended up adding a My Topics and My Posts link to a Global Status updater hook I made, it's now called (e$30) My Header Links Extended. Available on Invisionmodding for now and will add it here once I'm comfy with it. :)
  6. I built a mod for that does this, called (e$30) PM Author on topic Moderation. It's available at invisionmodding.com now and I'll likely add it here soon. :)
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