Problems Sending Email
@Marc Many thanks for your email. I have tried to reply - it's sending but bouncing with an error message "SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:" - through an email client or webmail. Any suggestions??
Bill Edwards started following "Let's confirm you are human" challenge issue , Problems Sending Email , Emails Not Sending and 4 others
Problems Sending Email
Good Day Our domain is hosted at Invision with entries to direct our mail to Hostgator. We had issues a couple of weeks ago which were solved when Invision kindly updated some entries for us and things have worked well until today - We are unable to send emails, they are not even leaving the computer. I've spoken to Hostgator Support and they say "I have checked this for you and it seems that the A record for the mail.fun-fairs.co.uk which is used to point the MX records for the domain name HostGator server is not updated and that is the reason why the emails are not getting connected on your end" and the records need "Type: A Host: mail Value:" Any help gratefully received. All the best Bill
Emails Not Sending
My hosts help files say that to do these my nameservers need to point to their service and they aren’t. My name servers are Invision. To be honest, all this is beyond my level of understanding :(
Emails Not Sending
Thanks for that, it reports that I need to add an SPF? record and my DKIM signature is not valid. I can’t do it because my name servers are at Invision
Emails Not Sending
Good Day This is a somewhat complex issue, and I am not sure if it’s an Invision issue or elsewhere. Please bear with me whilst I try and explain. My domain name is hosted at Hostgator. The nameservers are Invision so that my domain name points to my website which is hosted in cloud. I don’t recall the details but some witchcraft was employed so that emails to my domain were handled by Hostgator. All was well until the last couple of months. Receiving emails isn’t an issue, but emails sent from an email client are never delivered. They are sent because I can access Webmail at Hostgator and they are shown in the “sent” folder, but as I said they never reach their destination. I know that Hostgator is working as I have another domain solely hosted by them and am able to send and receive emails without issue. The problem is solely on the domain who’s nameservers is Invision. Can anyone explain what witchcraft was employed to send my emails to Hostgator whilst my site appeared here? Is this an issue with the way email is sent to Hostgator? Is the problem Hostgator’s end? Something else?? Any help would be most gratefully received! All the best Bill
Images Have Disappeared
They were definitely missing as it was reported by several members, but it seems to have corrected itself. Many thanks Bill
Images Have Disappeared
Good Day All the images/uploaded photos have disappeared from our site 😞 Any help gratefully received Many thanks Bill Update - I can't get the forum to load properly now either 😞
Unable To Upload Images
Hi For the past hour we have been unable to upload images to our forum. We get this We use Amazon for storage, but haven't changed anything. Any help please? Many thanks Bill
Post Count & Moderation Queue Issues
As the plugin author is unable to help, I need to find a way forward and I would appreciate your assistance. What are my options? Put up with the Mod Queue anomaly? Does this mean that I will be denied support for any matter now as I have used a plugin? Delete my entire forum and start again? If I delete ALL third party plugins and go back to base software will you be able to help? I appreciate you won't help, but I still need to find a way out of this mess - even if I'm to blame for it!
Post Count & Moderation Queue Issues
Really? Neither of the issues has ANYTHING to do with the copy. Is there a way to force a recount requires a simple yes or no answer - a recount would be a core software function. You can't answer that? We've had issues in the past - documented with you whereby the Mod Queue gets out of sync (nothing to do with copying) and in the past you've zero'ed it. You can't do that as you have in the past? @Adriano
Post Count & Moderation Queue Issues
I used Adriano's excellent add on to copy the topics, replies - everything 🙂
Post Count & Moderation Queue Issues
Good Day We have recently copied https://www.fun-fairs.co.uk/forum/48-rides-list-full-info-restricted-to-forum-supporters/ to https://www.fun-fairs.co.uk/forum/846-rides-list-free-access-limited-info/ However the post counts for the two differ wildly. Is there a way to force a recount?? Secondly - The first forum shows there is one post awaiting action on Moderation Queue, the second shows 5815 - However there are no posts needing attention. Any help gratefully recieved. Many thanks Bill
Restricted Moderators
Good Day I want a member to be able to Moderate one forum only, i.e. not be a full Moderator but be able to look after one forum. I've done it before, but I can't for the life of me remember how. I've had a play and added him as a new Moderator Group, Restricted - the other one I did allowed me to add certain forums, but for this new one, there isn't the option. Any help gratefully received. Many thanks Bill
"Let's confirm you are human" challenge issue
Is this a permenant feature??
"Let's confirm you are human" challenge issue
Dear All I haven't looked at updates recently, nor browsed here - I've very much moved away from running a "forum" and now concentrate on running our "community". The result is I am behind what the software actually does, features etc. Today, a Moderator reported that he was editing a post when he was confronted with a "Human Puzzle", which took three attempts to solve and then when he did solve it, the software didn't take him back to his edited post. I tried and pretty much had the same result. How do I turn this "feature" (pain in the rear!) OFF?? (I've searched the ACP and done a serach here with no result) Many thanks Bill