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Amged Osman

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Posts posted by Amged Osman

  1. is it really that difficult to add target="_blank" to your a tag instead of whining about it? and BTW, I couldn't find your board when I clicked that link, it wasn't even within the first 10 results.

    Not sure what your site is - but the site in your signature does not appear anywhere in my results.

    Lol yes I made a URL change :D :D
    it was ibmafia.com now moved itto ipbarab xD

  2. We do, as do most web designers. Not to mention, the SEO fanatics would have your head for saying that ;)

    yeah right.. so search engines can see ur acp links then? and btw im a SEO freak which is why My site is #1 in google if u search for "ipb 3 mods" and #2 in "ipb mods and its all because of the modifications i have done to my board

    So i do know what am talking about but w/e

  3. He means it's not your decision whether links open in a new window or not. It's the user's decision. The W3C seems to agree with this, since XHTML 1.0 and higher have explicitly removed pretty much any way of forcing a link to open in a new window. Since IPS likes IPB to validate against the HTML and CSS spec, they don't really like the "open in new window" thing. That said, there is a feature to enable links to open in a new window which uses a piece of javascript hackery, but personally I refuse to use any site that turns it on.

    Of course, on a complete tangent, I'm not sure whether he misunderstood you - I notice you said something about ACP links. Do you mean the "login to ACP" link in the black mod/admin bar at the top of the screen? I'm going to say I prefer it as is. If I click it, it's because I wanted to visit the ACP to the exclusion of the board. If I middle click it, then I wanted it in a new tab. If I control click it, I wanted it in a new window. If they set it to open in a new window, it actually removes options from the user/admin as they can no longer opt to open it in the current window. So that's a big "-1" from me to that suggestion.

    Ah thanks for explaining
    But all what you have said didnt really make any sense me, to be honest I don't care about what W3C agrees on, and I dont rly care about XHTML validation. all I need is click the link and have the acp opened in new tab
    CTRL+ Click or middle Click or .. or .. or ... that doesnt really make my life easier and obviously doest make lots of people lives easier as well. i have LOTS of people asking me how to open acp in new tab and around 3 ipb modders have written tutorials on their sites to explain it which means its something People want!
    and now that's what i care about not some XHTML validation stuff

    also if you talk technically acp links wont be seen by XHTML validators as its hidden by an if statement unless you allow guests to use ur ACP lol!!

    so again what you said is a really very weak point of view

    Oh and about the User's decision thing... Since its an ACP links so only My self andmy admins will use it .... so if they dont like the "Open in New Window" they can leave and never come to my site again lol!
    Which I'm pretty sure it wont happen, as they will never even care to complain about it!.

    Anyways if IPS added it to IPB that would be good if not i can always use my hook that opens it in new tab

  4. 1. That's probably suggested a million times before, with the same answer; "No"

    2. Sure you can't override that by adding "!important" to the CSS declaration?

    Not everyone is good with CSS and i bet 98% of IPS users doesnt even know what is !IMPORTANT
    so basically regular customer wont be able to do it
    and IMO if rikki moved his codes to top of css would be easier for ppl dont you think?

    The answer is always "No" ?? why is this? if its requested but most people then why not do it?

    Yep, opening in a new tab/window is a user choice not one for us to make for them.

    Sorry what do you mean? i didnt quite understand you
  5. I have to requests

    1- Please do make the admin CP link opens in new page .. i had to write a tutorial onmy site for my members because everyone ask how its done .. so i think having it like how it used to be in 2.3 would be alot better

    2- This one is for Rikki please move the whole /* White links */ at the top of ur css so it would be overridden by the class it self if we wanted to change it
    Like for example
    the primary_nav active a and active hover cant have another color than #fff unless we remove them from the /* White links */ css

    so please if u wanna save ur self the hassle of having to write the #fff in each class and wanna save size then have it as is now but just move it at top of ur css so people can easily override it

  6. Wooh lol calm down people
    I have REAL LIFE work
    i will give support to my mods when I have time

    now back to the system
    i know there are some bugs that needs to be fixed
    and I will be fixing them very very soon
    I finally have enough time to start giving more support and create more mods

    But, this is the official Support Topic and the Developer is ought to be active here besides his own forum.

    Anyway, another 72 hours past and no reply by the developer! I'm really surprised! Without support I can't continue to have this non-working app. installed in my live board any more.

    then DONT!!!!

    also ought to be active???

  7. This is a mod that will really be useful for us. Thanks for making this available. I find one small, but major issue.

    I installed the mod and did some very basic setup, using mostly default parameters (A sample Category, topic prefix, etc..) to test this out on a local system before attempting to install it on the server.

    Changing the one folder name as flagged in an earlier post, everything installs with no problem.

    When creating a Tutorial, the Attachments area does not contain any button to upload any image that is selected. Clicking on the Add Tutorial button produces an error uploading image message, when an image is selected in the Browse window. There is no Attach This File button in the editor window to add a tutorial.

    Something seems to be missing in the ShowForm Template

    Hmm I think it happens to you only!

    Is any one experiencing these errors he mentioned?

  8. Is there a way to change the Menu Bar from miniTutorials to 'Tutorials'?

    Sure Check this tutorial i made it for this purpose

    Thanks for the warning. When the developer warns a potential user away, it's usually a good idea to heed his/her advice.

    I cant be bothered creating and installing new demo board to show off a FREE mod that gets installed in less than a min for someone who cant even be bothered to register on my site to check the demo?
    Actually i dont want to deal with that kind of users!

    I can actually say it installed in less than a minute, if you like it keep it on your community, if you don't uninstall, it requires no file edits, and is a very nice mod, I'm surprised it's free.

    Whats worst is, there is a demo already but he/she cant be bothered to even register on the site to be able to view it!
  9. File Name: -SRD3- Contact Form Pro
    File Submitter: Sacred
    File Submitted: 30 Sep 2009
    File Updated: 30 Mar 2010
    File Category: Applications

    Complete Contact system for IPB 3

    3 ways of contacting administrators
    Topic Creation
    Emailing system
    PM System
    4 ways to secure and stop spam
    Ability to create Custom Fields that are Either ( Optional Or Required)
    reCaptcha security Check that uses the recaptcha board theme
    Random Anti-Spam Questions
    All functions Can be Enabled or Disabled From ACP
    Optionally CC User
    Optionally BCC another Email of yours or another Admin
    0 Files / Skin Edits
    FAQ System included in contact page, to allow members to use FAQ before submitting any contact (Saves you a lot of hassles).
    Using IPS Editor to parse HTML & BBCodes
    Form submitted fields are being saved so even if there was an error returned while submitting, the fields that were filled would not be lost and members would not have to re-fill them again!

    Click here to download this file

  10. File Name: (IPBE) miniTutorials (Tutorial system free)
    File Submitter: Sacred
    File Submitted: 30 Sep 2009
    File Updated: 24 Feb 2010
    File Category: Applications


    Free Tutorial system IPB3, Was made for my personal use but got requested by many so here it goes

    Features [*] Quick links (Search, My Pending, My Tutorials, Over All pending). [*] Hook displayed on board index to show latest submitted tutorials [*] Approval system [*] Topic Creation with a lot of options [*] Categories (no Sub categories though) [*] Permissions Per Each Category [*] RSS [*] PM Notification upon submitting and approval [*] Create tutorial from topic ID feature [*] Convert Ineo Article into New tutorial feature [*] Editors Mode ( a certain group can be assigned to have access to edit all tutorials but can NOT delete them) [*] Share on facebook and twitter ability Change Log: 3.0.4 Fixed Language Issues Fixed Approval Buttons 3.0.3 Improved SEO links [*]Fixed Topic Id issue [*]Completely changed application look & feel [*]Fixed all known bugs 3.0.2 fURL (Fully SEO Links added) 3.0.1 Fixed some template bugs 3.0.0 Initial release To upgrade just REUPLOAD all files and goto ACP > System Tab > Manage Application > Then Click on the green "Upgrade available" next to the application name Found a Bug? please report it here : IPBEgypt Tracker Click here to download this file

  11. File Name: -SRD3- iContact Form
    File Submitter: Sacred
    File Submitted: 30 Jul 2009
    File Updated: 30 Sep 2009
    File Category: Applications

    <b>Description: </b>Contact Form to enable members/ guests to contact you


    Create Topics
    Send PM
    Send Email
    All of the above of One of them
    Group Perms on who can access the form
    Show The Board Help Topics, so member would check them before using the form
    BBCodes / Smillies Enabled <b></b>

    Click here to download this file

  12. File Name: -SRD3- WeTweet
    File Submitter: Sacred
    File Submitted: 30 Jul 2009
    File Category: Hooks and Plugins

    Show and Display your latest tweets on your site

    small size and fast download time
    will not slow down or pause your page while tweets are loading
    display up to 100 tweets, as permitted by the twitter search api
    display tweets from a twitter search, or from your own feed
    optional verb tense matching, for human readable tweets
    optionally display your avatar
    optionally display tweets from multiple accounts!
    automatic linking of @replies to users

  13. File Name: -IBM Points Shop (pShop System)
    File Submitter: Sacred
    File Submitted: 15 Apr 2009
    File Category: Components

    Price: $10 USD Only

    a complete stand alone shopping systems that works only for with points and it is compatible with almost all points systems out

    Points systems included:

    1. Calypso's iPoints system
    2. Ultimate Referrals System
    3. iBookie Points
    4. Battle Gils
    5. Post Counts
    6. Perfect Points system


    Automatic Topic Creation for each and every Item (ACP Controllable )
    Items gallery (random items) to be displayed all over the system
    Built in transaction system
    % of the payment will be trashed to help reduce points inflation (optional from ACP) called Site profit
    My Sold items
    My Buy nows
    Catalogue to display all items in 4 rows ( exactly like online shops)
    Group perms
    Quick Add items
    Lots of Javascripts new features (jQuery FTW)
    Lightbox (of course)
    Built-in Announcements systems
    Categories ALWAYS viewable as a side bar you dont have to go to main page so you would change category
    Require Approval for Items
    Purne All Transaction Logs
    Item Owner Can Request Item Deletion
    Built in Rules System
    Thumb-nail creation for faster loading big catalogues
    PM on Approval / PM on Asking for Approval / PM on Purchasing / PM on deletion / PM on Rejection

    Now its time for some new screens ;)


    Click here to download this file
  14. File Name: -SRD23- iSafe Links System
    File Submitter: Sacred
    File Submitted: 05 Mar 2009
    File Category: Components

    Prevent your links from being Stolen
    Advertise your Google Ads or any type of ads while members downloading your files.
    Enable / disable script from acp
    Group Perms :

    • Can View system
    • Can Admin system
    • Can Report Links
    • Can Add Links

    Ban / Un ban Single Member from System
    Show Submitted Links Per member in Topic View
    Generates Sharing Codes
    • BBCode (For Posting in Topics)
    • HTML Codes (For Sharing on Sites)

    Top Submitters
    Complete Component (Location + UCP)
    You no longer need to create a new website to hide and protect ur site, or you no longer need to use someone else website to hide your links.

    Generated Codes after adding your link
    Codes for you to Post

    Please Wait Page


    Download Frame

    Click here to download this file
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