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  1. desti replied to desti's post in a topic in Developer Connection
    4.6.X - which is equal to X, at least approximately?
  2. Tried to make a hook on the \IPS\core\modules\front\members\profile, add button before "Edit profile". Add button code <li>...<a href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&do=testform&id=...}" ...</li>, with seo template (defined in furlDefinition()), but get broken link, looks like %7Burl=? Ok, replace <li>.. </li> with {template='myProfileButton' group="plugins" location="global" app="core" params='$member'} , move button code to myProfileButton - everything is fine, correct link. I can't use {url=""} template in theme hook? clean IPS 4.6.0
  3. desti replied to Fosters's post in a topic in Marketplace
    // $where[] = array( 'member_id=?', $this->member->member_id ); // $where[] = array( 'visibility_type=1 OR (visibility_type=2 and member_id=?)',\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) ; $where[] = array( 'member_id=?', $this->member->member_id ); $where[] = array( 'visibility_type=1 OR visibility_type=2' ) ; I don't want see my own bookmarks in other users' profiles! Or did I get something wrong? 1.6.1
  4. /* Are ratings allowed? */ if(0) // AND !$topic->isArchived() AND $topic->container()->forum_allow_rating AND $topic->averageRating() ) { \IPS\Output::i()->jsonLd['topic']['aggregateRating'] = array( '@type' => 'AggregateRating', 'ratingValue' => $topic->averageRating(), 'ratingCount' => $topic->numberOfRatings(), ); }
  5. desti replied to desti's post in a topic in Developer Connection
    Oh, my God, it happened! :) Thanks!
  6. desti posted a post in a topic in Developer Connection
    After attach pdf to post we see attach block: In english all ok In russian - problem Fast solution: in file system/Lang/Lang.php replace $replacement = mb_substr( json_encode( $replacement ), 1, -1 ); to $replacement = mb_substr( json_encode( $replacement, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ), 1, -1 ); now all fine
  7. Yep, already clone \IPS\Db and IPS\Select, add db selection to IPS\ActiveRecord, move table to another server and it works! :) This will be sufficient to keep the copy up to date and will give the provider the opportunity to honestly answer the question "Are there requests to the database from Germany?". But as the bfarber correctly noted, the ips code has a huge number of direct calls and joins to this table, so the question can be considered closed, this is impossible. Ilia, only one option: create the illusion of working with remote tables, so I will follow the path you proposed. Are you kidding? :) I'm too small for both lawyers and rkn. And certainly I'm not going to let rkn know about my plans. Thank you all for your advice.
  8. I understand that there is no out of the box solution, i'd like to understand how to correctly solve this problem. For example, in IPS\ActiveRecord\select a database connection based on the table name and add a new structure to IPS\Db for the second connection? I need your clue, you better understand the architecture of the system.
  9. There is a requirement (in Russia) to store personal user information on a server that is located in Russia. My server is in Germany, would like to understand the best way to solve this problem. And is that even possible?
  10. Morrigan, yep! Really not exactly correct formulated, sorry.
  11. compare red lined emails letter by letter
  12. Problem is that my.name@ and m.yname@ - the same email for google, it does not use points in the name. But for the forum these are different emails.
  13. Every day I delete 10-15 such accounts...
  14. 'front_shop.js'.