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  1. We are only using subscriptions for guests/inactive members. It is so tedious to first CANCEL a guest invoice with no email address or contact info, payment method, etc. They are blank invoices that simply say 'guest' It would be nice to have a tick button for the entire list of a page of invoices to CANCEL and DELETE both at the same time. I sure hope you build that into version 5. Now I have to cancel and delete pages of these blank invoices that clog the legitimate invoices of PAID subscriptions.
  2. When guests subscribe and create an invoice without entering an email address, then a huge number of PENDING invoices are created. In order to delete an invoice there is this warning created that says it is recommended to cancel then delete the invoice which requires two steps to delete. It would be nice to to have a choice to do both steps in one click. Also, there is no way to cancel/delete multiple pending guest invoices which would save a HUGE amount of time canceling/deleting these useless pending invoices with no email address or information since these guests simply spend the time to create a useless invoice that clogs the subscription invoices with hundreds of useless invoices. Is there a work around anyone can figure out that would stop guests from doing this? Would appreciate any help.
  3. When a guest subscribes and does not enter an email address an invoice is shown in the list with the title PENDING. There is a two step process that requests first cancelling the invoice and then deleting it from the list. This is a tedious and unnecessary process. Request a tick box that allows us to select as many invoices that need to be cancelled and deleted which would make it a lot easier to delete the huge number of guests who do this. Please, please add this feature.
  4. I found it. I just forgot where to look for the number of views of a post. They are found on each individual post in a forum category. It helps to see what posts are popular to guests.
  5. In the past I could view the number of views of a particular post. I have been somewhat out of the loop for the past several months (or longer) and haven't checked in a while and now this feature is missing. Is there some way to restore this feature or is there a different method to find the number of post views?
  6. This issue is still going on. Guests can create an invoice with absolutely no contact info. This floods my invoices with PENDING invoices which have to be deleted (see screenshot). Since we can't force guests to pay first before an invoice is made, in a future upgrade could IC please allow multiple invoices to be deleted, i.e., a check box that selects all the invoices for a page and then delete them all? I have two pages of invoices that have to be deleted one at a time, and having this feature would make it a bit easier to delete them all. Also the ability to delete multiple EXPIRED subscriptions guests create that flood that category and need to be deleted. These bogus invoices are just a nuisance.
  7. Updated Chrome on Mac to Version 119.0.6045.159 (Official Build) (x86_64). When going to our website I got this error (see attached screenshot) How do I fix this? Screenshot11-25-23.pdf
  8. opentype, you are so helpful. I feel like a child when you explain such a simple solution to this glitch. There is so much to know about keeping a website hosted on invision community, especially for a non profit organization. We simply don't have any volunteers to help me in this web hosting. I am glad Android users don't have to worry about switching from Apple's reading view vs whatever. We are barely hanging on trying raise enough donations to keep paying Invision Community's hosting fees. We have enough to get through 2024 but we can't get subscribers to post. They want rosacea data but they don't want to post at all. Weird. Twenty years ago it was so different, but now the younger rosacea sufferers are so different. They don't like to post in forums an prefer the social media sites which are mindless and difficult to search for research. We keep plugging away to trying to figure out how to attract rosacea sufferers.
  9. There is a glitch I am experiencing when viewing our website on a mobile device (iPhone). It does this quite often on just about all the posts in the forum. Take this example: https://irosacea.org/forums/topic/4029-fake-rosacea-news/ On a computer (iMac) the following comes up (see attached file ScreenshotFakeNews.pdf). I can then click on the screen and it goes to the post. On my iPhone all I can view is the 'FAKE NEWS' screen on my device and I cannot figure out how to get to the post. This seems to be some sort of glitch on a mobile device. If this is how other viewers of our web site are struggling to find the post, I am sure they are completely frustrated and leave the site. Guests will be so irritated that they don't bother browsing our site for rosacea data. Is there a way to turn off this feature on mobile devices so that that the huge 'FAKE NEWS' screen isn't triggered so I can eliminate this glitch? ScreenshotFakeNews.pdf
  10. This issue is still not resolved. I have to delete each invoice one at a time. Really irritating. No contact information so there is no way this is useful. In the next update can we resolve this issue? Or could you select as many pending invoices in the list and delete them all in one click? That would resolve it for me. Nobody else has this issue? If you don't have this issue, what do you do to resolve it? Another caveat is that pending invoices turn into EXPIRED invoices. I have three pages of expired invoices submitted by guests who do not fill in the required information. None. Zip. Nada. I have to delete all this too since it just adds to the list of PAID members in the list. Three pages of bogus members. Not sure how IC thinks about these things. There must be a reason. I did notice that two members CANCELLED their subscriptions. I understand that concept. But a GUEST will not cancel a subscription since they don't go through the process to pay or fill in the contact info. It would be nice to figure out how to resolve this issue.
  11. Thanks JimM for being so patient with me.
  12. Ok. Got it. That works.
  13. Ok. I found that at the bottom of the page. Not sure what to do? Apparently you are implying I need to insert {terms} in the source code of the TERMS & RULES page? That didn't work. I don't get it. What is the point of showing "IMPORTANT INFORMATION Terms and Rules' when the guest can't view the terms and rules?
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