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Everything posted by cargelock

  1. I really don't give a hoot if he's right (not in my book he wasn't), being patronised by a user who has no connection to IPS isn't going to impress me. If I had wanted to post a bug report I would have, but the fact is people don't look at those and the title of this forum section is entitled "IPS Company Feedback > IP.Board" is it not? Did I not provide feedback or am I wasting my time? Not sure why you'd let casual users patronise another user when all he was doing was "providing feedback".
  2. 1st: search = 'A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.' I was searching for the above error on this forum. If you put that term (within the single quotes) into the search box above, you get something horrible back, eg: possibly that is to do with highliting, but just guessing on the -> ite'> part! :P 2nd: In a post or thread with a moderate amount of code (does it on this forum too) you will recieve a javascript error as above pertaining to pretify.js(36) 3rd: Don't know why I can't post in the IPS resource forum as i'm a paying customer 'sigh' 4th: None of the above must be right! ;)
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