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Posts posted by acfan_merged

  1. I just wanted to give kudos to the staff for all of their work on the new board.

    We have a forum which carries a visual theme which we have kept with since the version 1.x days. Despite the skin changes that came with 3.0, we have found that skin development time was cut in half to bring our look into line with the previous layout while still keeping the improvements that were made to the software.

    Our migration strategy ended up being especially fun, as we migrated to a new domain at the same time as we were applying the upgrade. The only real issues that we had in our first test run were related to not uninstalling mods in the old structure before upgrading. As long as you turn off all mods installed with the Universal Mod Installer and ensure all forums and members are set to the "use board default" skin choice before running an upgrade, things go smoothly.

    We have been live for 24 hours now on 3.0.3, and have had ZERO complaints,,, in fact we have had quite a few positive comments about all of the improvements both us and IPB have made.

    Kudos again to the IPB Development team - you took an impossible task and came up with a product that blows away the competition!

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