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Posts posted by vinnygufc

  1. 12 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    The ACP credentials are correct, but the FTP details aren't.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    Please check the information again.

    I have copied and pasted the details I got off the host a few years ago for FTP to the bottom notes.

    Please let me know if it's still not working and I will follow it up with the Host supplier immediately. Thank you for your help @Daniel F

  2. Hi Randy,

    I've logged into ACP there and it says v4.73.

    However I do not actively go out to install BETA versions of IPB.

    This came up when I was on my home page, it often prompts you as an admin to update to the latest version.

    I generally do so without hesitation, as more often than not when I manage to read the fine print it's for security reasons.

    I would've assumed that if you're prompted to upgrade your version of IPB it would not have been BETA versions.

  3. I'm just after updating my forum to the latest version of IPB.

    Now when I login, or any of my users, they're greeted with the message "Something went wrong, please try again" and my forums are not viewable to them.

    I have attached my system logs.

    I have also attached the error log for when I log onto the forum.

    This has never happened before, and it only occurred directly after I updated to the latest version of IPB.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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    Could contain: Text, Page, Document

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