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Computer Candy

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Posts posted by Computer Candy

  1. Thank you very much for your thorough replies.

    Yeah, it's pretty surprising that it doesn't have thumbnail changing built in depending on your option choices. It is pretty standard practically everywhere now. And super important for certain types of products.

    Hopefully someone can come up with an easy modification for this. I can't imagine that people who sell clothing for example, can be happy about thumbnails not changing based on color choices or design variations.

    I'm not sure if this will fit my needs unfortunately. It really may infact just be too basic. This one functionality alone is very important for how I'd be using it.

    We're selling collectables of varying condition. People need to be able to select the quality grading available, and then see actual photos of the product. We can't have 30 different listings for the same product just to get around this limitation. Not only is it logistically unfeasible, and a headache for customer navigation, it's gotta be really bad on SEO.

  2. 21 hours ago, IPCommerceFan said:

    You might try searching google for "Store" and "Powered by Invision Community".

    We've used Commerce (Nexus) for almost a decade with great success:


    Our use case might be considered a "simple" implementation, but given Commerce runs on IC's framework, the sky is the limit if some functionality that doesn't exist is needed.

    Thank you. I searched as you suggested and was surprised by how many results were empty stores. The vast majority weren't being used at all. I found a few that were actually in use but didn't have much.

    I did find one that had a few articles of clothing with different colors and sizes but surprisingly, when you chose a size or color, the thumbnail pictures didn't change to match. Do you know if this can be accomplished?

  3. Sorry if this is the wrong area. I couldn't find a presale question subforum. Is there an index of Invision websites? In particular, websites that use Invision Commerce for web storefronts? I'm going to be launching an ecommerce site and would love to see examples of what Invision Commerce is capable of. I'm worried it might be a bit too simple for my needs but I love Invision in general so I'm hoping I'm just mistaken. Thank you.

  4. 1 hour ago, HeadStand said:

    Yes. You would create different templates, each with the appropriate checkbox list, and then you would link each template to the appropriate forum.

    Awesome!  Thank you! ^_^

  5. Hello.  I'm looking for a way to add a predefined checkbox list of tags in the form for creating a new topic.  The tags included in the checkbox list would be dependant on which subforum a member is posting to.  Is that possible with this Template System?  Thank you. ^_^

  6. 47 minutes ago, Ryan H. said:

    Unless you can search for some common text in them with the mass-add tool, no.

    Some tags we used with the old Topic Descriptions were pretty common, so many of the most common ones I could do that way. Can you use the mass-add tool with text searches of Topic Descriptions, though?

  7. On 6/7/2016 at 7:04 PM, Ryan H. said:

    I can look into that for a future release, but it's not currently a feature. It would probably be quite a bit more involved than it sounds.

    That would be amazing. It looks like I have found someone willing to help me get the old Topic Descriptions converted to Tags but it'll be a mess without an easy way to divide them into separate tags afterwards. Thank you!

    In the mean time, can you think of any easy-ish alternative ways to accomplish this?

  8. I'm trying to find a way to convert the old IPB Topic Descriptions into tags since that's basically what we used that for.  But if I ever do, I'll need to find a way to then change those into multiple tags from single tags since we didn't use commas.  I tested splitting a single tag into two tags in your "Manage Tags" tool by adding a comma but it didn't work.  Is there a way to add this functionality easily-ish?

    Thank you! ^_^

  9. Question:

    Is there a way for the feedback to show up in the info that shows up when you hover over a members name?

    I would like to do the same thing for a client's site. He wants to be able to see the feedback info from all parts of the site where you get the profile box on hover-over.

    Thank you. :)

  10. Don't know, I just released BETA 1 of iShop System, it's a gifting system to spend the points awaiting suggestions/feedback from the BETA 1 so I can move it forward.

    I'm very interested in your iShop system to try in conjunction with iPoints. Do you have a discussion topic on it somewhere? After searching here i couldn't find anything. I'd love to put it on a test board and take a look. thX! :)

    Is iShop strictly for sending gifts to other users or is it a "shop" for purchasing items with points for one's self. Like access to select site skins, access to site select user groups, ability to edit Member Title, etc?
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