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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. You’re probably in the stock gift card. The url is a bit different to the new form and it is available in the sidebar widget Buy button:
  2. Test is simple: buy a gift card for someone else, choose PM and the other user will receive the message. That’s all. It worked on last update, unless something has changed… so make a test and let me know.
  3. And why would you buy a gift card for you?
  4. Choose PM in the gift form and the sender in the settings:
  5. You can already choose a dummy account to be the pm sender.
  6. Just added the Secret Key and it's working just fine: Will release a new version. You can add your Secret phrase in the screenshotmachine site by editing your account:
  7. It's a test install with 50 topics and 50 members. Quick thing.
  8. This was tested on localhost, fresh install with no 3rd-party resources. Although I select the option to anonymize the content, it keeps attributing it to the deleted member.
  9. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Can't reproduce: Make sure your template isn't edited and if it is, that's the content it should have: {{if !isset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->memberNotesGroups )}} {{\IPS\membernotes\Member::updateGroupsCache();}} {{endif}} {{$group = \IPS\Data\Store::i()->memberNotesGroups[ \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_group_id ];}} {{if isset( $group ) AND $group['mn_g_viewnotes']}} <span class="ipsType_light"> {{$user = \IPS\membernotes\Member::getMember( $member );}} {{if isset( $user ) AND $user->notes}} <a class='ipsType_blendLinks' title="{lang="view_this_member_notes" sprintf="$member->name"}" href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$member->member_id}&tab=node_membernotes_memberNotes" seoTemplate="profile" seoTitle="$member->members_seo_name"}'>{lang="num_notes" pluralize="$user->notes"}</a> {{else}} {lang="num_notes_zero"} {{endif}} {{if $group['mn_g_addnotes']}} <a class='ipsType_blendLinks' title='{lang="add_note_to" htmlsprintf="$member->name"}' href='{url="app=membernotes&module=notes&controller=notes&do=add&mid={$member->member_id}"}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="adding_note_to" htmlsprintf="$member->name"}'><i class="fa fa-plus-square"></i></a> {{endif}} </span> {{endif}}
  10. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    This what?
  11. No, mate. Replace only $member. You’re missing the group. {{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup…}}
  12. You can use \IPS\Member::loggedIn() instead, If you don’t have the $member object.
  13. {{if !$member->inGroup( array( X, Y, Z ) )}} Show something {{endif}}
  14. What's New in Version 1.0.1: Added ability to restrict in ALL or only in SPECIFIC forums Added support to Clubs Removed STAFF groups from the group settings
  15. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    What's New in Version Fix error reported.
  16. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Not yet.
  17. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    New version was just submitted to fix the error reported. 👍
  18. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Since it is a test site, I just sent you a test version via PM so you can test it out. EDIT: For the others: do not update yet. Wait for the test.
  19. He meant IPS sent emails explaining the support changes. If you didn’t receive it or can’t find the topic, wait for someone from IPS to link you to the topic or explain.
  20. I’m not sure I understand your question. The shopping cart is used only for Store products. Gift card isn’t a product. The general rule is: can you make it using the stock Commerce gift card (without my resource)? If you can’t, then you can’t here too. As stated, my resource does not create a new gift card feature. It extends it add a bit more flexibility but the main functionality remains being “executed” by the Commerce app.
  21. I can add a forums field depending how it goes. It is a member thing only.
  22. This resource will give staff the ability to prevent members from posting (create topics or reply in topics) in specific hours. Type of Restrictions: Disallow new topics/posts Moderate new topics/posts