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Linda A

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Posts posted by Linda A

  1. I recently had a report that the magic invite system doesn't seem to  be working any longer, and I'm afraid I forget exactly how things work to diagnose it. Is the bot you create supposed to be always online, and that's how it works? If so, I noticed that ours has been offline but I'm not sure why or how to fix it. Are there any suggested troubleshooting steps?

  2. The last day or so, members who have gotten a Discord account and then tried the Magic Invite are getting added to the server... but then they aren't able to actually see the server as an option in their browser/app screen, so essentially are not able to access the chat. These are people new to Discord, so they definitely have not hit the 100 server limit. Any thoughts as to what the problem might be?

  3. Have taken the opportunity to try this out, and so far so good. The only issue we seem to have at the moment is that the Discord widget just shows a broken image icon regardless of which banner option we use. Are we doing something incorrectly?

  4. Hello,

    I'm considering getting this for my forum, but I know very little about Discord at present. We have a server set up but only my account is a member presently. Do I need to prepare roles in advance or does the integration automate some of that process? Is there a basic walk through available anywhere that explains the basic set up process of the integration?

  5. I'm trying to upgrade my forum to the latest version -we're on PHP 5.6 -- and right at the start the Upgrader just did after awhile due to PHP timeout because the first step simply take too long. I can see the following in MySQL:


    Execute | 2391 | optimizing   | /*IPS\_Application::installDatabaseUpdates:413*/ SELECT count(*) FROM `ibf_core_log` AS `core_log`   |


    When I try to resume the upgrade when they process is done, it simply does the same thing as if it does not realize that it already did that query. Any suggestions for how to tell it to proceed?


    ETA: I see the problem. For some reason the log has over 20 million rows. Going to delete most of them and see what happens.

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