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Dave Legg

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Posts posted by Dave Legg

  1. Strange, got nothing showing anywhere near the report button relating to blogs. Do you have a blog on this forum, im guessing it might only be an option to add something to your own blog.

  2. Is the new mobile skin that gives access to the Private Message a part of 3.0.5?

    Sorry, Lost me there.

    I mean the "Blog this" button that was mentioned. Cant seem to see it anywhere

  3. Nice suggestion, I think it would be better just allowing comments on the event within the calendar rather than abstracting to forums though.

    Good point. Im still in the vb frame of mind, where what happens in the calendar stays in the calendar. At least with IPB there is more integration with the calendar tab under "view new content"

  4. I must say there are a couple of features I would like to see included with the calendar.

    When you create an event, a topic in a selected forum is created to allow people to comment on it.

    RSVP - People can click "Yes, No or Maybe". It then shows a list and also adds it to a block in a members profile page.

    My forum is a local community forum, so a calendar to list events I would say is at the very heart of the forum.

    Ive achieved the above using a couple of modifications on Vbulletin, however now im making the move over to IPB, I can only see one mod that will link the calendar with the actual forum.

    Heres a look at my vb setup. >> http://www.doverlocals.co.uk/calendar.php

    When you click on any of the events in the calendar, it takes you straight to a forum topic about it.

  5. Didnt take along at all. Just set up a test site and wanted to ask a quick question regarding conversion.

    I want to convert my vbulletin to my ipb to test only at present. Ive got to the stage where its asking for the vbulletin database details. Will it just copy the data or will it delete it?

    I want my vbulletin site to remain working and dont want to lose everything.

    Hope that makes sense!

  6. Will these discounts only count if you buy ip board at the same time, or will they also apply if you have ip board but just want to purchase a couple of add ons?

    On a side note, ive just renewed ip board licence, how long does it normally take to be verified before its available for download?

  7. Ya know, I know all forums are different but I never had good luck with the arcade mod. It just ended up sitting there after the initial hype. At first it would be busy. But as time wore on it usually just sat there and would go days and weeks with no activity. Eventually I would yank it and even then it many times took just as long for most people to realize I yanked it. Some forums may have better luck that that. But mine never did. So I just concentrate on the content to keep people happy and occupied.

    The arcade mod is very popular on my site. I mentioned that we might be moving software and the first thing everyone asked was about the arcade!

  8. Hi,

    I was wondering if anyone could help with a couple of modifications.

    Vb P3tz

    Vb Casino [url="http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=219483"]link[/url]

    About Today [url="http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=107319"]link[/url]

    One more mod I almost forgot to add was iTrader.
    It allows ebay like feedback ratings for sales conducted on the forum.

    Edit - Also struggling trying to find the arcade for IPB3 as well.

  9. You can't. :D I'll agree though that Charles' post was a little ambiguous.

    What he meant was that you can run IP.Content in "www.domain.com" even if your forum is at "www.domain.com/forums/".

    I'll do my best to see what I can do for you today.

    Thank you, will be greatly appreciated.
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