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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by ECUBitzy

  1. Hmmm... Can anyone see anything new visible to users in 3.0.2 that wasn't in 3.0.1? I know the spam monitoring service is supposed to be in there and I'm sure it addressed the latest reported bugs, but I'm just wondering if anything noticeable (like the new system for posting status updates that showed up in 3.0.1 after not being in 3.0.0) is here and seen by anyone.

  2. I realize that there newest member and who's online is listed at the bottom of the page, with a large forum that's kind of a pain to check every time...and it's lacking information I'd like to see.

    I'd like a block/hook that shows the following:

    1. New users today. Maybe be able to set a limit for really busy forums. I get about 5-10 per day so no big deal to me.

    2. New posts...not just the latest thread/topic like you see now but replies, etc.

    3. The rest of the board stats... total users, total posts, etc

    Just a thought.

    I did just see a hook that limits #'s of registrations per day (although, to be honest, I'm not sure why boards would want to implement this?)

    Can't remember where I saw it, but I imagine it will be on most of the download mod sites (including here) before long. I do agree with the need for more stat-oriented hooks. I had one for my 2.2.2 board that showed # of registered users online today and that's one I would like duplicated for 3.0.
  3. I was still hoping someone could answer this question for me. If we are trying to follow the instructions in the article on how to make the 3.0 view new contents work more like 2.3.x, it does seem to have different text. Here's my earlier post on the subject.

    In the article it says


    public function setUnreadConditions()
    // All code in this function included

    And change to

    public function setUnreadConditions()
    $this->setDateRange( intval( $this->memberData['last_visit'] ), time() );

    But in the searchPlugin.php file on my server this is what I see in the public function setUnreadConditions{} line. It's different than the one listed in the article. What exactly should we be replacing?

    public function setUnreadConditions()
    $forum_conditions = array();

    foreach( ipsRegistry::getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id as $forumId => $forumData )
    $lastMarked = ipsRegistry::getClass('classItemMarking')->fetchTimeLastMarked( array( 'forumID' => $forumId ), 'forums' );

    $readItems = ipsRegistry::getClass('classItemMarking')->fetchReadIds( array( 'forumID' => $forumId ), 'forums' );
    $readItems = ( is_array( $readItems ) AND count( $readItems ) ) ? $readItems : array();

    if( count($readItems) )
    $this->whereConditions['OR'][] = "(t.forum_id={$forumId} AND t.tid NOT IN(" . implode( ",", $readItems ) . ") AND t.last_post > " . intval($lastMarked) . ")";
    $this->whereConditions['OR'][] = "(t.forum_id={$forumId} AND t.last_post > " . intval($lastMarked) . ")";

    * Builds the where portion of a search string
    * @access private
    * @param string $search_term The string to use in the search
    * @param bool $content_title_only Search only title records
    * @return string

  4. I'd like to look at that fix as in my upgraded board the view new content link returns much too large of a search return and was causing serious server loads on my board so I had to disable it.

    But reading at the article it says


    public function setUnreadConditions()
    // All code in this function included

    And change to

    public function setUnreadConditions()
    $this->setDateRange( intval( $this->memberData['last_visit'] ), time() );

    In the searchPlugin.php file on my server this is what I see in the public function setUnreadConditions{} line. It's different than the one listed in the article. What exactly should we be replacing?

    public function setUnreadConditions()
    $forum_conditions = array();

    foreach( ipsRegistry::getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id as $forumId => $forumData )
    $lastMarked = ipsRegistry::getClass('classItemMarking')->fetchTimeLastMarked( array( 'forumID' => $forumId ), 'forums' );

    $readItems = ipsRegistry::getClass('classItemMarking')->fetchReadIds( array( 'forumID' => $forumId ), 'forums' );
    $readItems = ( is_array( $readItems ) AND count( $readItems ) ) ? $readItems : array();

    if( count($readItems) )
    $this->whereConditions['OR'][] = "(t.forum_id={$forumId} AND t.tid NOT IN(" . implode( ",", $readItems ) . ") AND t.last_post > " . intval($lastMarked) . ")";
    $this->whereConditions['OR'][] = "(t.forum_id={$forumId} AND t.last_post > " . intval($lastMarked) . ")";

    * Builds the where portion of a search string
    * @access private
    * @param string $search_term The string to use in the search
    * @param bool $content_title_only Search only title records
    * @return string

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