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Posts posted by kmf

  1. Wouldn't you want your sessions table to be using the MEMORY instead? InnoDB may be a better option in some regard, but for all of the above MEMORY is the way to go when the information is temporary (info stored doesn't survive a reboot).

    I would also recommend FastCGI + suExec vs. mod_php + suPHP as I believe suExec is more secure, and FastCGI is more resource friendly. On shared enviroments you have to use a wrapper script for PHP because of the tight restrictions with suExec.... but if you're running a single site it's not that big of a deal.

    I've also heard great things about lightHTTP (also supports fastcgi) vs Apache, although I've had no experience with it. I've seen some benchmarks where lightHTTP outperformed Apache at a fairly high margin. But because of the experience I have with Apache, I'm sticking with it unless I really have the need or there is a feature that trumps Apache in a huge way.

    Tried it all before, but the best combo for me is what I'm using at this moment too.
    Sessions being MEMORY STILL causes tablelocks, even though the table is fast, it takes time for the script to finish using it and releasing it. (i've tried memory-tables on version 1.3 of IPB. That's years ago. And I merely had 500 people online at the same time. Now with 10 times that amount, I doubt memory tables scales correctly)
    Apache2 with modPHP works fine for the webservers, as long as eaccelerator is there.
    I use lighttpd for the static files on another server.
    And sphinx for searches.

    ATM there is just no need for me to experiment further and lose capabilities of apache in exchange for speed from lighttpd. The usage of various options is all a matter of balance.

  2. Ok. I haven't used eaccelerator myself but I was under the impression that it is mainly used to store compiled php opcodes so that the pages didn't have recompile on every req, whereas memcached is used to store data that would otherwise be fetched from the db. I'm glad to hear your site is running well though, since you have that much traffic.

    eaccelerator on itself is mainly used for pre-compiled php. But if you install it with the "shared-memory" option, you can let it work like memcache too.

    Only downside is, as far as I know, it only works on the local server. Whereas memcache allows you to offload all cache to another server.
    Upside is, faster PHP-interpreting and auto file/memory caching rotation.

    IPB is using partial caching. Meaning it won't cache direct results, but parsed, sorted and prepared data. Something I prefer and make use off myself too.

    So it doesn't really matter much what caching you use, if you know the advantage of the one over the other.

    I'm pretty sure IPB does not support MULTIPLE caches though... otherwise you could use a combo of eaccelerator and memcache.

  3. Allright, thanks for the info, especially the bit about innodb! So, if I understand you correctly, you're not using mecached or something else to offload the db? Since most users are just browsing the forums as guests, I thought that a fat cache would be the key to get good performance.


    I'm using eaccelerator for caching. It's a form of memcache and filecache.
    That's because I'm at a budget and can't afford a server with a lot of memory for memcache. And eaccelerator works great too.

  4. I assumed that we would run memcached on the webservers. Memcached is memory bound, apache is cpu-bound, so it should be a good fit. You have lots of traffic, your at once record is almost 30k! Good job! What machines do you run your site on? Have you done any special configuration? Thanks.


    It's running on 3 dedicated servers. 2 webservers loadbalanced and 1 database server. The webservers are using eaccelerator.
    Gzip was disabled and I used mod_deflate to zip all non-img static files. We just upgraded to ipb3 from ipb2, so we're still testing things out.

    As it seems that ipb3 is causing twice as much load.

    Also, for search we used xapian and sphinx. The database is using innodb for the large and fast-update tables like posts, members and session.
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