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Posts posted by crafty55

  1. Memcache is only beneficial on a multi server setup. On a single server you should just use xcache for php and datastore caching.

    This is correct.

    You can not have both enabled on conf_global.php. IP.Board will only use one them to store the cache.

    And it's prioritized like this: EAccelerator > Memcached > XCache > APC > Diskcache > DB.

    Not sure if XCache also cooperate directly with the PHP process when added, so you may gain something there, but IP.Board will not store its cache there.

    Using XCache DOES tie with the direct PHP process thus is not useful on a multi-server setup (Such as remote php-fastcgi server setups) and then memcache would be more beneficial

    On a standard single server (Doesn't matter the ram or cpu counts) XCache would be "Faster" and would save network connections (Even local is connections) and XCache also saves DB queries.
  2. One issue with VPS's is you've already shown you do not know about unix systems, this poses a issue as you'd most likely not have near the required knowledge in running a proper server.

    An improperly configured VPS will quickly become a nightmare for forums that could of ran on shared hosts.

    I know of boards with well over 500k posts and over 50 people per 15 minutes on some shared hosts, I know of some boards with less than that on VPS's and are extremely slow and so forth.

    You do not need to have many IP's as said above, they are for dedicated IP purposes like IRC servers, game servers, SSL certs.

    rct2·com , never herd of VPS's sharing IP addresses. I run some vps's.....don't believe thats used.

    The IP address could of been used in the past of course....though good posts mate you've always been descriptive about these things.

  3. Generation time on mine 0.0208 sec for index page.


    # 0.1695 sec

    w/out shoutbox and sidebar crap it's maybe .03 less, this is on a highly tuned server setup that has enough power to run 10 ipb boards with 100s of members online and millions of posts/topics per forum...
  4. dieselpowered, the United States Government issued a warning against the use of Internet Explorer browsers, in gov buildings I've noticed they don't tend to use IE anymore.

    I used to make my sites not work for IE versions, but regardless always suggest Firefox or Opera (Firefox is pretty crappy these days but for most people it's golden, it eats over a gig of ram for me though :( )

    IE8 takes like 30 seconds just to open for me, I only use it for windows updates.

    Try the firefox beta, renders IPB3 JS even quicker then normal firefox...

    but no it's the actual execution of IPB3 that is slow, on every test instance since the first ioncube beta I tried it has executed SLOWLY and I don't get why... I enjoyed having IPB2 boards load in less then 1 second.

  5. I'm curious as to why IPB3 is slower too.

    I've let it do its caches, I've tried XCache (breaks css) but it helps only marginal.

    I've had some of the fastest IP.Board's .0300 sec generation on most pages on IPB 2.3, everyone on IPB3 is atleast .1

    I'd of thought IPB3 with it's fully OOP/PHP5 design/overhaul over the old code would perform MUCH faster.

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