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Invision Community

IP.Content 2.0 Dev Update: Interface Improvements to Pages

The page manager, introduced with IP.Content 1.0, is a core feature to IP.Content. It allows you to create pages and folders, and manage those pages and folders, core functionality that IP.Content relies on for everything else. Page management has been pretty reliable and functional, but we decided we wanted to improve the interface for IP.Content 2.0 to make it sleeker, faster and even more funct…



Invision Community

IPB 3.1.0: Centralized License Key

Over the past year we have introduced new services that are available to our IP.Board Standard Licenses holders, such as the spam service and the chat service. We also have plans for more services that will be tied to your license. While this provides a lot of value to your license, managing these services is a cumbersome process, you need to create keys for each of these services and enter them…



Invision Community

IP.Board 3.1.0 Dev Update: Improved Facebook Integration

When we were developing IP.Board 3.0 we were looking for ways to lower the barrier for registering. There are many single sign in providers but most of them required separate registration and set-up. Around this time, Facebook released their emerging API "Facebook Connect". We seized the opportunity to implement it within IP.Board 3 and adhered to all their guidelines. The first implementation of…



Invision Community

IP.Board 3.1.0 Dev Update: Sharing Links

Following on from our recent blog entry about Twitter Integration, I'd like to present our newest IP.Board 3.1.0 feature: Sharing Links. This new feature makes good use of our improved Facebook Connect integration and the new Twitter integration. As most Facebook and Twitter users have discovered, sometimes you see a link to a great article or topic and want to share it with your friends and fol…



Invision Community

IP.Content 2.0 Dev Update: Improvements to Databases

Database "Tweaks" The database functionality in IP.Content is quite powerful at its core. You can do a lot of things with the database feature that would normally be laborious coding yourself. A lot of addon applications add common features: rating, comments, sorting options, etc. IP.Content takes all of this legwork out of the picture by providing it for you with just a few clicks in your admin …



Invision Community

Spam Monitoring Service Update

Last year we introduced a Spam Monitoring service to combat the increasing problem of registrations on communities from spam accounts and the response to this service has been great! The spam service has been a great success so far and we would like to take the time to share some stats about how effective the service has been. The service is only as effective as the number of communities that s…



Invision Community

IP.Content 2.0 Dev Update: Useful updates to feed blocks

IP.Content 1.x has turned out to be a very solid, stable, and extensible application, allowing for a vastly diverse number of implementations that showcase many of it's capabilities. We're thrilled to see so many of our customers using IP.Content in different and creative ways. We've been gathering feedback from all of you to help shape the future of IP.Content, and to that end we want to share wi…



Invision Community

IP.Board 3.1.0 Dev Update: Soft Delete

IP.Board already has many moderation tools, including the ability to "approve" and "un-approve" posts and topics to make them hidden from the general community. IP.Board also has a "Trash Can" forum which collects all deleted topics and posts giving you a chance to keep them and manually move them back if you wanted to do so. Recently, we've had several requests for a "soft delete" option. This …



Invision Community

IP.Board 3.1.0 Dev Update: Ad Code Integration Part 2

Yesterday we showed IP.Board 3.1's ad code integration for the first time, today we'd like to give a quick update on the status of this new feature. First of all, we were excited to read all of the positive feedback and great suggestions. We like to write these blog entries before features are 'set in stone', so that we can more easily and quickly include suggestions from our customers. Grou…



Invision Community

IP.Board 3.1.0 Dev Update: Ad Code Integration

Advertising integration has been an often requested feature for a long time, so we're pleased to announce that IP.Board 3.1 will include this feature! We've create a simple system that will allow you to insert ad code at various locations throughout the forum. The integration is not specific to any ad platform, so you can use this for Google AdSense, or any other platform that you may use for yo…



Invision Community

IP.Board 3.1.0 Dev Update: Skin Upgrader

One of the neat new features of IP.Board 3.0 was its integrated application/hook installer and upgrader. Using this took a lot of the headache out of updating modifications when the author produced a new version as you would have either needed to use a custom installer script or install a component dedicated to modification installations. This has helped out with the installations of modifications…



Invision Community

IP.Board 3.1.0 Dev News: Twitter Integration

I had previously blogged about the status update improvements coming in IP.Board 3.1.0. This blog runs through some exciting new integration features with Twitter. As IP.Board already has Facebook integration, it makes sense to also integrate Twitter. This further lowers the bar when registering a new account on your forum. If your visitors have have a Twitter account, they can use this to regis…



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