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IPS Community Suite 4.1.9 Available

General Configuration 2016-03-23 ztpzu.pngWe have released version 4.1.9 with many bug fixes, performance improvements, and feature enhancements. Our thanks to the QA team and all our clients who participated in the beta release.

This is also a security release so please upgrade as soon as possible. All Suites will see the red alert banner show.

To be notified of updates as soon as they are available you can add an email address in your AdminCP under General Configuration.


New or Changed Features

  • When your link auto-embeds in a post such as with an image, YouTube video, Twitter link, etc. an option will now display to revert the embed back to a plain text link if you do not want the embed.
  • New setting to disable embedding.
  • Facebook/Twitter integration improvements
  • If you are an administrator and encounter a system error, additional debug output will now display. Regular members will see the normal error message.
  • Custom Fields for Support Requests in Commerce now show on the front-end.
  • If an advertisement is set up with a main image, but not smaller images for tablets/mobiles, the ad would not show at all on tablets/mobiles. This has changed so the main image will display on all devices unless smaller images are provided.
  • Topics scheduled to automatically lock or unlock will now reflect this in the topic listing and when viewing the topic.
  • Placing a link to a Facebook status will embed when possible.
  • When viewing a report, the container (for example, the forum) the content is from is displayed.
  • Three character searches are now allowed in the Admin CP Live Search.
  • The Account Settings page now uses vertical rather than horizontal tabs to prevent overflow.
  • If Gravatar is enabled, and a user has not defined an profile photo, then their email address will be used to fetch from Gravatar unless explicitly set not to.
  • Gfycat embeds now use their oEmbed endpoint rather than their JS API.
  • Using Amazon CloudFront as https provider will now be recognized as valid secure connection.
  • The member REST API endpoint will now return custom fields.
  • The Developer Center for Plugins now shows the filename in the list of hooks, and when editing a hook, a breadcrumb includes a link back to the list.
  • Inline notifications can now be dismissed
  • Efficiency improvements to the search index
  • You can now close a poll independently of the topic

You may want to read a bit more on our embed improvements:

And Activity Stream improvements:

We are well into development on version 4.1.10 which will follow along soon. Keep an eye on our Release Notes for updates on what will be coming in that release.

If you have any issues please open a support ticket. You can also submit reports to our bug tracker. Thank you!

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