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IP.Board 3.0 Beta Approaching

As announced in our last blog entry, we are working diligently to clean up any problem areas in IP.Board 3.0 and to finish up the admin control panel so that we can deliver a beta release of our software to all of our users before the end of this month.

Things are taking shape nicely. Rikki has the admin control panel nearly finished and we've cleared out hundreds of bug reports since the preview site was first launched. We are very hopeful that by the time everyone has their hands on a beta version of IP.Board 3.0, you'll find all of the biggest potential issues have already been dealt with.

Additionally, the Blog, Gallery and Download Manager applications are coming along nicely as well. All of the application code has been converted, and we're working on skinning these modules so that we can put up previews for you to start testing. Look for the first of these modules to be launched very soon on the preview site so you can begin testing it.

In preparation for the upcoming beta release of IP.Board 3.0, we have put together this script which you can upload to your server in order to test for support of our latest version. Please note the following requirements:

  • PHP v5.1.0 or higher (5.2.0 or higher preferred)
  • MySQL 4.1 or higher (5.0 or higher preferred)
  • SPL, GD2 and libxml2 PHP modules installed
This script will test for everything IP.Board 3.0 requires, except for MySQL. Please consult with your host if you are not sure if you are running MySQL 4.1 or higher.


To use this script:
  • Upload the file to your server somewhere that is web accessible. For example, you can upload the file to your forum root directory where "conf_global.php" is located.
  • Visit the file in your webserver. For instance, visit http://yoursite.com/forums/check_requirements.php (replacing yoursite.com/forums/ with the appropriate domain and path to the script you just uploaded).
  • Verify there are no "FAIL" marks reported. If there are any items that fail the check, you will need to consult with your host about updating your server, moving you to another server that supports all of the requirements for IP.Board 3, or contacting another host that does.
We do not rely on any proprietary modules for PHP, so the majority of our users shouldn't have any problems. :)

We look forward to getting the first beta out so everyone can continue testing the software and the new admin control panel. More information to follow!

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