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The IP.Board 3.0 preview has been going very well. Lots of bugs have been reported and, more importantly, fixed already. The feedback we have received has been very valuable and we have already implemented some of the good ideas our customers have presented us. Thanks again!

We are now ready to open the preview up to the general public. You can visit the preview at http://ipb3preview.ipslink.com and login with the same email address and password you use in the IPS client area or company forums.

A few things to keep in mind:

This is a preview of alpha software. We are not quite to the beta stage so please keep in mind that there are some areas still being finished up. The preview has been open for a couple weeks now to our customer base so lots of feedback and bugs have been posted. Have a look around what is already there before posting new info. Thanks!

As we have reviewed in previous blog entries, IP.Board 3.0.0 is very different from the version 1.x or 2.x series. So far the feedback from our private testing group has been great and everyone loves the new look and feel. We can never please everyone :) so please be civil if you do not like something that is purely a matter of opinion and offer a constructive suggestion we can consider if you feel something can be improved.

IP.Board 3.0.0 is feature-frozen at this point. We will not be adding any new features but are happy to consider enhancements to those already included. We will always have version 3.1 for feature additions and one of the best parts of 3.0's architecture is adding new features along with upgrading is much easier than the 2.x series so upgrades can be developed and released much faster.

We hope you enjoy!