I have an advert that is set to show "in the site sidebar". I don't think it matters what I have in the site/suite sidebar - I just wanted something so I could do some testing and I chose an advert.
I have some pages databases - 'Articles', 'Places', 'Regional Contacts' and so on. The site sidebar (advert) always appears and I cannot find a way to turn it off.
If I go to the 'clubs' page (<sitename>/clubs/) then the site sidebar (advert) appears at the bottom of the sidebar after other normal club stuff but I cannot find how to turn it off.
If I create a new page and select "Show suite sidebar on this page = enabled" then when I use the page wizard it shows a box for the sidebar and I can populate it. BUT the standard sidebar items (my advert as described above) does not appear on the page.
If I create a new page and select "Show suite sidebar on this page = disabled" then the wizard does NOT show the sidebar box - which is good 😉 And when I edit the page to enable sidebar the box appears again (which is good) and it behaves as #3 above (i.e. still failing to show the standard sidebar advert.
- I have the homepage which was upgraded from V4 to V5 and I cannot get the sidebar to appear. The setting of "Show suite sidebar on this page" seems to have no effect whether it is enabled or disabled.
Although #5 appears to be a problem whichever way you look at it, I'll think about this one a bit more to see whether there is something obvious that has been messed up by the conversion from V4 to V5.
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