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Seeking Professional Assistance for Redis Configuration

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Hello everyone,
I'm encountering a significant issue with my forum's performance, particularly under high load conditions. Whenever there's a rapid refresh (F5 spam) on the forum, the CPU usage spikes to over 75%, which is quite concerning. This vulnerability makes the forum prone to slowdowns during attacks or heavy traffic.
I've been trying to implement Redis caching for the forum to mitigate this. However, I need help with the setup process due to a lack of comprehensive documentation on this integration. 

I'm using the Plesk Obsidian panel and have successfully installed Redis, but I need help making the right connections. I'm currently facing an error that I can't resolve.

Could contain: Maroon, Text
Given these challenges, I need professional support. If there's anyone with expertise in configuring Redis for Invision Community forums, particularly those familiar with Plesk Obsidian, I would appreciate your guidance. Also, I'm open to hiring a freelancer for this task and am willing to pay for your expertise and time.
Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can provide. I look forward to resolving this issue with your support.
Best regards,


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