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Whenever you switch the sidebar position to left,

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all the side widgets will display first thing on small screens.

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Solved by Ehren

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Yes, that would be correct at present

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58 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Yes, that would be correct at present

I don't think so because you are just moving the sidebar from the right to left on full size screen. Whenever it's on "Right" sidebar widgets displaying in the bottom of the site on small screens, so it should be the same on the "Left". 

Why would I want to see the side widgets displaying first thing before the main site forum?

Edited by Afrodude

While I understand what you are saying there, that is indeed the way it works at present (and has always worked in version 4). It pushes the content to the right below the content to the left, which is why you end up with that effect.

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May you please at least pass it on to the dev team because it's incorrect to see the side widgets displaying before the main site on small screens whenever the sidebar position just changed to "left'. Thanks

Edited by Afrodude

I certainly will, of course

It’s not “incorrect”. It’s how responsive web design works. You have a flow of containers – one after another – and with a left-to-right reading direction, an element on the left comes first – whether those elements fit on one screen or not. And with the right-to-left reading direction it’s the other way around.
It might not be “preferred” in every situation, but there is nothing “incorrect” about it. 


Why would I want to see the widgets displaying first thing before the main site forum?

For example, because they contain essential/important information. The help guide section here on the site has the navigation sidebar on the left. That’s a deliberate choice to use the behaviour wrongly labelled “incorrect”. 

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@opentype I have worked on designing hundreds of sites their main languages are from left to right, and none of them if it has a left sidebar displaying first thing on small screens "responsive web design" especially on news sites before the main site.

Doesn’t change what I said. Your expectation/experience is not the measure of correctness. 

But this is not worth debating.

I would just encourage you to avoid words like bug/correct/incorrect when talking about your expectation of functionalities – if only to avoid having sceptics like me jumping in and having to correct you. 😉 The choice of words matters. 

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1 minute ago, opentype said:

I would just encourage you to avoid words like bug/correct/incorrect when talking about your expectation of functionalities – if only to avoid having sceptics like me jumping in and having to correct you. 😉 The choice of words matters. 

Of course. 🙂 

Well, with IPS it's not easy to define that because usually, it could be a bug.

  • Solution


Adding this to custom.css should help. I've only tested it on an unmodified default theme, but it may also work on some 3rd party themes depending on their HTML markup.

/* Ensure widgets are shown below the main content on mobiles */
@media (max-width: 979px){
    display: grid;
    order: 1;


22 minutes ago, Afrodude said:

@Ehren you are the best. 👍

Some say his English is not his first language. Its CSS

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28 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Some say his English is not his first language. Its CSS

It's true Marc, and I cannot wait to see him speaking on IPS 5.

Edited by Afrodude

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