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Beta Releases Coming Soon

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The first public beta release of IP.Board 3.1, applications, and related services is fast approaching. This blog entry will let you know what to expect and what you can do to help us in the process.

We believe, as most other responsible software development companies do, that releasing beta versions is the best way to ensure that the software is as stable as it can be before a final, supported version is released. These beta releases are for testing purposes and allow our customers who are interested in testing them prior to release a chance to let us know what problems they may find so we can fix them before the software goes out to the many thousands of casual users all over the web.

A beta release will always have issues with the software that need to be addressed so, as always, we do not suggest using beta software on your live site. Please do not use the beta software unless you are comfortable working with software that may have various issues that will need to be addressed in updates.

Over the next two weeks you can expect to see public beta releases of the following:

  • IP.Board 3.1 (see this announcement for a list of what's new)
  • IP.Gallery 3.2.0 (maintenance release for IP.Board 3.1 compatibility and bug fixes)
  • IP.Blog 2.2.0 (maintenance release for IP.Board 3.1 compatibility and bug fixes)
  • IP.Downloads 2.2.0 (maintenance release for IP.Board 3.1 compatibility and bug fixes)
  • IP.Content 2.0 (please see our blog to find info on what's new)
  • IP.Chat 1.1.0 (please see our blog to find info on what's new)
  • CleanCut Skin for IP.Board 3.1
  • MS-SQL Database Driver for IP.Board 3.1 and Applications

As you can see, that is quite a list of new versions coming out so we will certainly appreciate everyone assisting with testing and reporting any issues you come across in our bug tracker. The announcement for these beta releases will be made here on our company blog so be sure to track or subscribe to the RSS feed for this blog. Beta versions will be available to those customers with an active license to those products.

The announcements of each beta release in this blog will also contain information on what you should (and should not) do with the beta releases. We will also let you know if there will be upgrade options from Beta 1 to Beta 2 of the various products. Please (we beg of you) read those announcements very carefully before downloading the betas to save yourself time.

Take this time between now and the beta releases to prepare your testing environments on your hosting and make backups of everything so you are ready to go on beta day. We are very exited to be entering the public beta phase as this means the final release is just around the corner!

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