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1 hour ago, Loren said:

The task does not seem to be running on it's own. I waited three days and it never ran - so I ran it manually.

That is strange. Can you post a screenshot of the plugin 's settings and taks page?


I can not reproduce this myself. I see that you have quite a lot tasks added by other third party plugins. It might be a server thing or a conflict elsewhere. You can open a ticket about this so one of the Ipb staff can look into the task settings.

22 hours ago, Faqole said:

so one of the Ipb staff can look into the task settings.

It's an issue in your app:) This is just bad practice: 

foreach( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_message_topics', $where), 'IPS\core\Messenger\Conversation' ) AS $conversation )

You should use a limit here and iterate only over X items on each task call. Additional to using the limit, you could and should use Task::runUntilTimeout here which will repeatedly call the method and delete any further private messages as long as the PHP process allows this.


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