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Selling text only ads


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Is there any way to use commerce to (natively, without hacking about) sell text only ads. It sets up image ads by default, but if I want your standard

Clicky Title
Texty texty texty
texty texty texty

arrangement, can I do that? I can see how to add custom fields for title and body text, but...

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Also, am I correct in saying that

a) With a banner ad, the customer can't later edit the image or url (sending the ad back into pending) , but would have to either contact us, or cancel and buy a new ad.

b) We can't turn off tracking on banner ads (to avoid adblockers, for example), although we could use the HTML option


c) There's no way for customers to place an HTML ad, only a banner ad 


d) With three ads for the same slot, the system will rotate them. There's no way to have it show them all, in some order or randomly. So it's Ad 1, OR Ad 2, OR Ad 3, but not a sidebar showing:

Ad 1
Ad 2
Ad 3


Apologies if I'm missing anything - been playing with Commerce on a demo site while I consider a purchase. 




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