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Posting JavaScript in post


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I am trying to add JavaScript to a post. It is events from my calendar.

It is taking away the javascript after submitting.

Any idea how to allow js?

It worked on ips 3.7 and lower

thank you for your help


<script type="text/javascript"
src="http://godubois.localist.com/widget/view?schools=stevepompeii&types=9500&days=31&num=50&target_blank=1&html_descriptions=1&template=modern"></script><div id="lclst_widget_footer"><a rel="nofollow" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;display:block;width:81px;margin-top:10px;" title="Widget powered by Localist Online Calendar Software" href="http://www.localist.com?utm_source=widget&utm_campaign=widget_footer&utm_medium=branded%20link"><img src="//d3e1o4bcbhmj8g.cloudfront.net/assets/platforms/default/about/widget_footer.png" alt="Localist Online Calendar Software" style="vertical-align: middle;" width="81" height="23"></a></div>


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