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Sign In As Member


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This plugin adds a button "Sign in as Member" to the user's hovercard and profile header.

To setup users who should be able to use the button, log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the Members tab -> Administrators. Select the existing group or Add new Administrator and grant access for System -> Members -> Can sign in as members

For security reason, the button is not available on users' hovercard and profile that have access to Admin CP. For those users you can still use the default "Sign in" feature in Admin CP.





Edited by Sonya*
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7 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Save admin time. You don't have to go to ACP to do it. You can do it on front-end.

Exactly. There are too many steps needed to login as user. Imagine, you are on the issue page and then have to login to ACP, find the user, login as member and then search for the issue page again to see what is wrong. With this plugin you log on the issue page from the hovercard to see what the user sees. Just one step. ;)

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