Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted June 16, 20159 yr I really wish you would extend your documentation of ip content / pages or whatever you call it's terrible.I went from 3.4 and figured out what I needed to do...only to find out it's totally different in 4.0. Now I feel like i Wasted 15 bucks to go back to content because it's nothing like 3.4nor can I find any decent tutorials on how to accomplish ANYTHING ! Who actually designed the gui or the logic behind this system? It makes no sense at all......feeling ripped off.
June 16, 20159 yr Management Sorry you feel that way. If you can provide specific examples, we're happy to do what we can to help or provide documentation for.
June 16, 20159 yr I would like to see some information on how to find what string and functions are available in page have the Attributes... button but it only gives you a basic list of the master variable not the ->whatever
June 16, 20159 yr I would like to see some information on how to find what string and functions are available in page templates.Seconded, and information as to get things like thumbnails (from articles & posts) into a block are 'must haves'. I raised a ticket concerning such and was advised that bascally non standard customisation wsas not supported.The inbuilt blocks are so basic is it ridiculous. A mini tutorial advising what variables are available would be awesome and save people a heck of a lot of work!
June 16, 20159 yr Sorry you feel that way. If you can provide specific examples, we're happy to do what we can to help or provide documentation for. The OP is right. The documentation shows screenshots from 3.x with the filtering options that are long gone in 4.x. Even the name (IP.Content) in the documentation is IP.Content instead of IP.Pages. In fact, the marketing site at Invision still calls it IP.Content (instead of IP.Pages) and acts like IP.Content can still do what 3.x used to do. The marketing even has a screenshot of 3.x acting like 4.x can filter blocks like 3.x did. And it can't, apparently (but who knows without real documentation). Ok, more specifically, how can you blocks in 4.x like we did in 3.x. The GUI items are gone. There's no list of variables or attributes to pull from. How can anyone manually code blocks without master list of where you can pull from? What's the syntax, if I want to filter Download blocks or Blog blocks or anything other than the Forum feed? I can screenshot all of 3.x (like I did for just one data feed in the link above) and ask, in IP.Content, how can we do in 4.x what used to be in the GUI on 3.x?
June 16, 20159 yr Tutorials on how to clone the Custom Projects database, and even Bug Tracker. Seen this requested many times by others that need similar databases. You tell us they are "made in pages" but I have no idea on how to do some of those things. Step-by-step tutorials so we could customize as needed. I would love to see that. There are some cool things going on in the Projects db.Those are perfect real world examples, tutorials on exactly how you built them would make the app that much more valuable, and the tutorials would serve to explain these functions in general, to be used in any kind of db.
June 16, 20159 yr Author Im trying to recreate this block (which hasnt been edited to my data yet) from 3.4 to 4.0 :<table class='ipb_table'> <caption class='maintitle'>{$title}</caption> <tr class='header'> <tr class='header' align="left"> <th align="center" scope='col' style='width: 2%'> </th> <th scope='col' align="left" style='width: 15%'>Name</th> <th align="center" scope='col' style='width: 15%'>Group</th> <th align="center" scope='col' style='width: 15%'>Steam id</th> <th align="center" scope='col' style='width: 15%'>Games</th> <th align="center" scope='col' style='width: 15%'>Country</th> <th align="center" scope='col' style='width: 15%'>Posts</th> <th align="center" scope='col' style='width: 15%'>Last Active</th> </tr> {parse striping="staff" classes="row1,row2"} <foreach loop="$records as $r"> <tr class='{parse striping="staff"}'> <td> <img src='{$r['pp_mini_photo']}' alt='photo' class='photo' width='{$r['pp_mini_width']}' height='{$r['pp_mini_height']}' /> </td> <td> <if test="leadermid:|:$r['member_id'] > 0"> <a href='{parse url="showuser={$r['member_id']}" seotitle="{$r['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}'>{$r['members_display_name']}</a> {parse template="user_popup" group="global" params="$r['member_id'],$r['members_seo_name']"} <else /> {$r['members_display_name']} </if> </td> <td><if test="$r['posts']!== ''"> <p>{$r['posts']}</p> </if></td> <td> <if test="$r['field_12'] !== ''"> <if test="$this->memberData['member_group_id']==5 OR $this->memberData['member_group_id']==7 OR $this->memberData['member_group_id']==2 OR $this->memberData['member_group_id']==3 OR $this->memberData['member_group_id']==1"> Not Available <else /> {$r['field_12']} </if> </if> </td><td> <if test="$r['field_11'] !== ''"> {$r['field_11']} </if></td> <td> <ul class='user_controls clear'> <if test="isFriendable:|:$this->memberData['member_id'] AND $this->memberData['member_id'] != $r['member_id'] && $this->settings['friends_enabled'] AND $this->memberData['g_can_add_friends']"> <if test="isFriend:|:IPSMember::checkFriendStatus( $r['member_id'] )"> <li class='mini_friend_toggle is_friend' id='friend_xxx_{r['member_id']}'><a href='{parse url="app=members&module=profile&section=friends&do=remove&member_id={$r['member_id']}&secure_key={$this->member->form_hash}" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['remove_friend']}'>{parse replacement="remove_friend"}</a></li> <else /> <li class='mini_friend_toggle is_not_friend' id='friend_xxx_{$r['member_id']}'><a href='{parse url="app=members&module=profile&section=friends&do=add&member_id={$r['member_id']}&secure_key={$this->member->form_hash}" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['add_friend']}'>{parse replacement="add_friend"}</a></li> </if> </if> <if test="canPm:|:$this->memberData['g_use_pm'] AND $this->memberData['member_id'] != $r['member_id'] AND $this->memberData['members_disable_pm'] == 0 AND IPSLib::moduleIsEnabled( 'messaging', 'members' )"> <li class='pm_button' id='pm_xxx_{$r['member_id']}'><a href='{parse url="app=members&module=messaging&section=send&do=form&fromMemberID={$r['member_id']}" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['pm_member']}'>{parse replacement="send_msg"}</a></li> </if> <if test="hasBlog:|:$r['has_blog'] AND IPSLib::appIsInstalled( 'blog' )"> <li><a href='{parse url="app=blog&module=display&section=blog&mid={$r['member_id']}" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['view_blog']}'>{parse replacement="blog_link"}</a></li> </if> <if test="hasGallery:|:$r['has_gallery'] AND IPSLib::appIsInstalled( 'gallery' )"> <li><a href='{parse url="app=gallery&module=user&section=user&user={$r['member_id']}" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['view_gallery']}'>{parse replacement="gallery_link"}</a></li> </if> </ul> </td> </td> <td> <abbr class="published" title="{parse expression="date( 'c', $r['joined'] )"}">{parse date="$r['joined']" format="short"}</abbr> </td> <td> <abbr class="published" title="{parse expression="date( 'c', $r['last_activity'] )"}">{parse date="$r['last_activity']" format="short"}</abbr> </td> </tr> </foreach> </table> <br /> I don't know where the $records are located in 4.0.....or if they even exist. I need to create a feed with "members" data but cannot locate the $records.I don't know how to setup a table with alternating bg colors or how to format them so it's numbered too?The interface has gone from good to bad, it's too simple & bland.........Quit dumbing it down....this is ipb....not kindergarten!
June 16, 20159 yr @Lindy I'm dying to find out whether Pages supports custom field types.Does it?No one seems to be able to answer this question: the documentation, unless I'm missing it, does not address it...
June 16, 20159 yr I've created custom field types for my Pages for my Amazon & iTunes links. It's mostly for my own personal use (and not my users) at this point but it does lookups to Apple & Amazon servers and configures the links/affiliate-type ads from that. Mostly had to do it that way because that's how the site I'm going to merge into it was doing things.One issue is that the code is very heavy on the Pages fields editing page so even a few extras make it load more slowly. At least for me, even when I was using an outside plugin and none of my own.You have to write the code but a few files in a plugin and you're set.
June 17, 20159 yr @Gabrielle V. Very cool... any chance you would share the code/plugins? And/or point me to the developer documentation that you used to figure custom field creation out?
June 17, 20159 yr I am working on my own Documentation for Pages but I have asked countless times to have it pinned I will be adding more as I work on some new stuff for my community
June 17, 20159 yr Much of the docs are nin to none. I think this is very specific that items need to be added. @Charlie did say he be working on it and add more docs to the documentation but haven't seen much added. Sorry you feel that way. If you can provide specific examples, we're happy to do what we can to help or provide documentation for.
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